Woke Miss America Delivers All-Time Ratings Low – IOTW Report

Woke Miss America Delivers All-Time Ratings Low

Thanks to Gretchen Carlson.

Big Hollywood: ABC’s broadcast of Sunday night’s Miss America pageant capped a ceremony rife with politicization, leading to an all-time low in TV ratings.

The Wrap reports that Sunday night’s Miss America pageant was “down 36 percent in the key demo and off 19 percent among overall audience members” compared to last year.

The abysmal broadcast ratings come as Sunday night’s competition featured no swimsuit competition as it did for decades. However, the competition did feature several political messages. more

22 Comments on Woke Miss America Delivers All-Time Ratings Low

  1. In my America women Presidents are accepted, there are no borders or walls, we are climate conscientious, womens healthcare rights are protected, diversity reigns, with no sexism, racism, and animals rights are respected too.

  2. Every Idiot Lib thinks Trump is doing what the Media is actually doing to divide us on Race etc.
    Storm the Media, they are more of an Enemy than Russia ever was. Send in the Military or start Fining them $10,000 every time they Lie to us.

  3. Gretchen Carlson has no appreciation for a well built tactical weapon, or a well built half neked woman. I’m certain she’s a communist. Ever seen a picture of her hubby? Kind of kreepy.

  4. @Miss Groucho Marxist: in my America animals can also vote and serve on juries. My chicken elected Obama. Twice. She then found me guilty of defrauding the IRS so I ate her.

  5. The Miss America Pageant was a 1920’s marketing gimmick to get people to come to Atlantic City after the traditional summer cut-off of Labor Day.

    How’s that working?

  6. Carlson has the beady eyes and wrinkly lines atop her nose that gives her the appearance of a snarling wolverine. She seems to harbor a barely contained hostility toward people for some perceived slight and she’s out to even the score. A bitter narcissist ready to explode.

  7. I am SO surprised a person of preferred pigmentation won! How righteous they are. I’m surprised that Caucasian ladies were even allowed to compete. Wonder how much groveling they had to do.


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