Woke Salvation Army Struggles For Donations, Volunteers – IOTW Report

Woke Salvation Army Struggles For Donations, Volunteers

Team Tucker Carlson: The Salvation Army went woke, and now, at least in certain parts of the country, it’s going broke.

Naturally, no one dares to admit that the Salvation Army’s outrageous decision to ask its white donors to apologize for being racists might be the cause of its troubles. Instead, the Christian group’s problems are blamed on the pandemic—which makes no sense.

As you’ll see below, some of the Salvation Army’s donation and volunteer problems are down compared to last year. Some of you might recall that there was not only a pandemic last year, but that last year there was no vaccine.

I should point out that the Salvation Army removed its smear of America and white Americans, but only under the excuse that it was all a misunderstanding. So apparently, on top of being racist, we are also stupid. more here

20 Comments on Woke Salvation Army Struggles For Donations, Volunteers

  1. I was at the grocery yesterday and on my way out there was a S-A bell ringer.
    She was on an electric cart, & weighed over 350 pounds for sure.
    I barely heard the bell because she was inside near the slot machines.
    Yes, in Nevada they allow slot machines in grocery stores. Why?

    Anyway I stopped and told her I wouldn’t give money this year because I was white and evidently my money isn’t good enough for them.
    I wasn’t mean or disrespectful, I simply said the the S-A CEO said that white people needed to apologize for being white.
    I said they will NEVER get that from me or my family.
    She said she had not heard this.
    I told her to look into it and talk to the powers that be.
    I doubt she was being honest but I didn’t press her.
    They know they screwed up.

    Go woke…go non-profit broke…

  2. This is the first year I did not give them the change out of my pockets. It was not a good feeling, but I can’t change what God made me, nor do I want to! Nobody should! What they did is just flat out wrong and they are suffering the effects of it!

    Additionally, I would imagine that increased credit card use is compounding the impact as well. Bad time to be sending racist messages!! Whomever made that decision is dumb as a rock!

  3. “Instead, the Christian group’s problems…”

    …I would argue that anyobe who’s going to make a nakedly racist statement such as “All White people are racist because they are White” is in violation of the Lord’s express Word to and about his children, specifically Matthew 7:1-2 which states:
    “1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

    2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

    …and therefore, not worthy of the title “Christian” for the simple fact that they are in open defiance of the written word of Christ.

    It’s between them and God of course, but from here,lookslike they hating on His children.

    …FWIW, every store I’ve been in this month has 2 features.
    -a SA tripod for a kettle
    -no kettle and no bell ringer.

    Seems to validate that statement about lack of voulenteers, too bad because I’d like to drop some good advice in the kettle so they’d have NO doubt why I wasn’t using my hated White hand to drop money instead…

  4. Donate to your local Rescue Mission or Soup Kitchen instead. They’re helping out everyone regardless of race or religion. Usually they help families and individuals.

    I always loved visiting the mission and provided food and Bible messages and gospel based Bible studies and counseling. Most of those folks were more authentic then some of the faux church members I interacted with.

  5. Matthew 25 ministries might be a good alternative for you. As always, do your own research to decide, but they respond to disasters better than the Red Cross.


    Samaritan’s Purse too, even if I don’t care for the Franklin Graham cult of personality or sone of the things he’s said, the message is better than the man, in this case, IMO…


  6. Donations are down because the generous conservative unwoke don’t appreciate being called racist as a group simply for having been born white?

    Surely, the great geniuses who came up with this plan to denigrate their donors factored in that this might happen. I’m sure they figured that any shortfall would be more than made up by big donations from Antifa, BLM and all of those guilt ridden and sanctimonious wokesters.

    That didn’t happen? Color me shocked! I think they are telling us (as if we didn’t know) that lefties are generous with other people’s money aka the government but dropping some change in a red kettle – um, not so much.

    As for me my annual $500.00 donation went elsewhere. I didn’t want them to be tainted by accepting my dirty racist money.

    I’d sign as old racist white woman but that has already been taken – there’s more than one of us out there.

  7. My father didn’t talk to much about WW2 and he passed 20 years ago but he always said during the fighting the Salvation Army came to the front lines and brought food and water to the exhausted soldiers while the Red Cross stayed back with the generals. It pains me to see them go woke and I can’t not even in memory of my father put a dime in the kettle.

  8. Have noted UNATTENDED kettles around my neck of the woods. Wonder how that will work out for them? Thinking maybe some might help them by collecting them early and forget to return them or the lessened amount that might be inside.

  9. AnonTrooper December 17, 2021 at 7:39 am

    Give your money to your own church, that way you have a real vote as to how it is spent.

    I stopped giving money to a church when they didn’t like me questioning doctrine, that was over 30 years ago. I figure the government takes money from me involuntarily, and gives it to people who believe they are entitled to my money. Charity is just that, and I don’t feel charitable these days. I’ve sacrificed over the years, now I will no longer do that. My friends and family are dropping dead, I’m going to look the other way now. I can’t fix it.

  10. Anyone who thinks that the cure for racism is to presume that all people of a specific race must apologize for their “inherent racism” is a fucking brainwashed asshole and moron not worth talking to, much less donating to.

    Get woke. Go broke. Fuck you Salvation Army.

  11. They said it repeatedly and in writing. Now they apologize only to get the $$ flowing again. Sally Ann can go rot. Decades ago when I worked as a server the SA bell ringers would come in to eat and shake money out of their collection boxes to pay. I doubt that has changed over the years. Nice work.Now I give only to locally run animal rescues and shelters.


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