Woke women suppress Black gun rights – IOTW Report

Woke women suppress Black gun rights

Colorado Politics: If you want to help Black communities, empower them to defend themselves.

Some believe that the government needs to disarm Black people for their own good and the good of society because they can’t be trusted. 

Recently, after the dean of culture and dean of restorative justice at East High School were shot by a student with a ghost gun, a new mom group, Here4theKids, formed.  According to their website, they’re made up of White women who appropriate strategies of the Black civil rights movement to peacefully force the banning of guns because they “recognize that the Second Amendment was enacted for white supremacy, is anti-Black and needs to be abolished.”

Nothing says “democracy” like woke, White women suppressing Black gun rights. more

8 Comments on Woke women suppress Black gun rights

  1. “peacefully force?”

    The only way to enforce gun control is by men armed with guns.
    What unadulterated bullshit.

    Their “logic” is twisted, sick, and dangerous.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. …dean of culture and dean of restorative justice at East High School…

    This seems to have slid right by most readers. What the HELL does a high school need with deans of “culture” and “restorative justice”? And how much salary are these left-wing racist grifters pulling down?

    Dare I say it? Maybe those two needed to be assaulted.

  3. The exact same worthless See You Next Tuesdays who support efforts to release felons from prison. The woke white woman is a plague on the black community. They know EXACTLY what they are doing.


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