Wolf Blitzer Blames Indiana for Chicago Gun Crime – IOTW Report

Wolf Blitzer Blames Indiana for Chicago Gun Crime

Breitbart: During the January 2 airing ofThe Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, Blitzer brought up Chicago’s near-800 homicides during 2016 and blamed the deaths on Indiana gun laws.

Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA-49) was the guest, and Blitzer looked at him and said, “There were more people murdered this past year in Chicago than in New York, a larger city, and Los Angeles, a larger city, combined. Something is obviously very, very wrong in Chicago.”

Issa responded, “It really is. And, not to get into the gun question, they have strong gun laws. The problem is, the gangs have guns and you’re not going to take them away with laws.”

Blitzer then went after Indiana, saying, “The mayor and others say the problem they have is most of those guns don’t originate in Chicago or even Illinois, they originate in neighboring Indiana, where the gun laws are much more lax.”

Issa shot Blitzer’s suggestion down:

23 Comments on Wolf Blitzer Blames Indiana for Chicago Gun Crime

  1. Then why hasn’t Gainesville, MO a higher murder rate than Chicago?
    Or Mountain Home, AR?
    Or Mountain Grove, MO?
    Or Little Rock, AR?
    Or … the many thousands of other towns across America?

    If a proposition is TRUE, it’s TRUE; under any rotation.
    If you look at it from above, below, left, and right – throughout space and time, and it’s still TRUE – then it’s TRUE – if, in ANY INSTANCE, it’s NOT TRUE – then it’s FALSE.

    That’s how we know TRUE from FALSE.

    Why didn’t Issa point that out to him?

    I don’t really expect a “journalist” to know anything – but I do expect Mr. Issa to.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Wolf proves time and again that he is not interested in actually having a conversation so that both sides learn and take away the best ideas; he is all about the “sniping statements” or the “hit-and-run” drive-by type “gotcha comments” in order to try and score some sort of cheap political points. Whenever the guest starts making sense or getting to the heart of the matter the host roles out the standard “well I want to move on to …” (whatever the next topic is they think they can score cheap political points).

    These “talk shows” posing as “news” follow the same standard recipe and it is growing old and stale faster than Wolf is.

  3. Hopeless dumb ass cares more about his agenda than his reputation. Chicago gangbangers couldn’t find Indiana on a map. But those who deal in illegal weapons sure as hell know how to find Chicago! They simply follow the money.

  4. Here in Arizona you can walk around with a firearm out or concealed.
    This is the Wild West, we have Tombstone, Fort Apache, Bloody Basin.
    Arizona literally bristles with guns.
    Of course WE had Sheriff Joe Arpaio
    I guess Phoenix will go all to hell now.

  5. We open carry down here in ole San Antonio, we got our share of crime down here but nothing like what they got in Chicago. I think it’s because criminals are much more cautious about doing a crime because they know know there’s a 90% chance that the Texan behind the counter is packing heat.

  6. I was at the Cabellas in Hammond, IN last week. I bought an armload of ammunition. The cashier asked if I was from Illinois or Indiana, I said Illinois. She then said; I need to see your FOID card.

    So fcuk off Wolf, Illinois laws are already being carried out in fcuking INDIANA!

    You dumb fcuk, the thugs burglarize homes and buy guns all over the country, like Wisconsin. They don’t give a shit about transporting them into Illinois illegally.

    The problem isn’t the guns.

    The problem is the THUGS you fcuking retard!

  7. It still puzzles me why anyone, any politician worth a damn, bothers to go onto any Libtard political talk show — CNN, MSNBC, Faux, Sunday Morning, etc. Starve The Beast and cut it off at the knees by not showing up, not saying anything to any of them. And if the talk show “reports” (and I use the term loosely), “Politician XYZ said today…..”, do a Trump counterpunch, and have your own news conference and say, “I did not talk to any Drive By Media, therefore I did not say what they said. But if YOU ask me, here’s what I would say……..”

  8. Classic progtard rhetoric, completely devoid of logic and reason. Indiana gun laws somehow cause Chicago, IL gun violence, that, amazingly enough, is worse than Gary, IN and Indianapolis, IN gun violence. How, exactly, does that work?

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