Wolf: HHS Paid The Nation’s OB-GYNs To “Stick To The HHS Script” On COVID Vax’s Effect On Pregnant Women – IOTW Report

Wolf: HHS Paid The Nation’s OB-GYNs To “Stick To The HHS Script” On COVID Vax’s Effect On Pregnant Women

Dr. Naomi Wolf joins Steve Bannon on WarRoom to discuss how HHS paid the nation’s OB-GYNs to “Stick to the HHS script” on the COVID-19 vaccine’s effect on pregnant women.

15 Comments on Wolf: HHS Paid The Nation’s OB-GYNs To “Stick To The HHS Script” On COVID Vax’s Effect On Pregnant Women

  1. I’ve REALLY been trying to clean up my cursing here since Just Passn’ Thru called me out on it.

    But stuff like THIS makes it HARD.

    I had to deal with a jabbed pregnant woman dancing the funky chicken on a cracked concrete factory floor once, and again but the next time with preeclamsic seizures with consciousness alternating with decerebate posturing. All this in front of the prospective father who was obviously not having a great time either.

    She lost the baby.

    There simply isn’t enough bad that can happen to these bastards who pulled this crap, who advanced this poison as sAfE aNd EfFeCTiVe for pregnant women with NO GESTATIONAL, MUTANEGENIC, OR TERATROGENIC STUDIES WHATSOEVER, along with OBVIOUSLY no long-term studies on children of jabbed mothers for everything from developmental issues to csncers to fertility issues later in life.


    …I’m trying NOT to curse, but its hard. As I sit here having gone through my personal medical bag, responder pouch, and testing my personal AED in a momthy ritual, its hard. Having inventoried same at work for the next deployment, its hard. Pretty odd equipment for an electrician to be frigging with, but since 2020 it seems TO KEEP COMING UP.

    And then my thoghts turn to recently born children I know, some in my extended family, some not. How gestational issues, malformations, birth defects, developmental probls, behavioral disorders, and just plain miscarriages and stillbirths are FAR more common now than they were whwn I was growing up. FAR more common than the calls I answered when I was on the other end of a 911 call. FAR more common than in any population in the deveoped world before. Its like something happened to the children just in the last couple of years…

    …no, there’s not enough bad that can be done to them in the circles of this world. The world has been made poorer and entire generations of children sacrificed in what now appears to have been nothing more than an exercise in raw political power by a cabal of demented, gereatic Communists, and though if they had as many lives as the lives they have ruined and murdered, even if they had all those lives added to their own, their execution for each and every one would still not even be the BEGINNING of justice for the torments they have inflicted, and continue to inflict, on those most vulnerable they are putatively sworn to PROTECT. Their short lives and weak flesh could not withstand even a FRACTION of the tortures they have earned in recompense for their crimes.

    Not in THIS world anyway.

    …Only God can mete out the punishment they demand, and only God can see they pay for every hair on every head of every victim they have ruthlessly slaughteted in their quest for temporal power and position. I am forced to confess that my reach is too short and my hands too small to ever achieve the vengeance in my heart. As Shakespeare once said, if I had many mouths and they had many lives, I would have appetite for them all. No, I must, as all men must, defer their ultimate Judgement to the Lord.

    …but should the opportunity arise, I would not hesitate to send one to stand before Him by the shortest route possible.

    Although if they died screaming, that would be OK too.

  2. Will the real Beachmom stand up and bitch slap her fake troll back into the Phantom zone where she belongs. And the same goes for all the other trolls. Go away or we’ll ban you forever to a parallel universe or the blue inner city hell hole of your choice.

  3. SNS…I’m a big fan when you spew the truth and vulgar words are sometimes necessary. Those are your best posts. The founding fathers would approve if they could see this s#^tshow.

  4. My former dental hygienist was pregnant and was dropped by two OBGYN before she found one that would accept her non and never ever vax status. Many of her friends were pregnant at the same time and most took the vax. She said within her friend circle three had miscarriages within weeks after getting the jab and two delivered early.

    She’s moved back to Idaho.

  5. I know this young lady who was newly married and got the jab ignoring my daughter’s warnings not to do it that she may never be able to have a baby if she did.
    She and her husband got the jabs. She called my daughter a few weeks ago to tell her she was wrong and she was pregnant, then admitted after getting them and reading about women who couldn’t get pregnant she was worried, but everything was good.
    When my daughter was telling me about it I told she should have read a little more, some have actually been able to get pregnant, but not be able to carry the baby to term, others the babies have been stillborn or die within a few weeks or months, and others have had bad things wrong with them. Now I don’t wish that on anyone or an innocent baby, so I pray she got the placebo.


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