Wolff Finally Admits He Has No Idea If Trump Is Having An Affair – IOTW Report

Wolff Finally Admits He Has No Idea If Trump Is Having An Affair

Daily Caller: “Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff admitted in an interview Thursday he does not know if President Donald Trump is having an affair.

The comments come after Wolff speculated on television and in his book that Trump was having an affair with U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, who denied Wolff’s rumors in an interview, calling the allegations “disgusting” and “offensive.”

“I will just clean this up … I do not know if the president is having an affair,” Wolff said on a Dutch TV-show “College Tour,” according to The Washington Post. “Do I think he is? I think it would be unlikely that he has suddenly become a faithful husband,” he continued. “In that event, I certainly don’t know who he is having an affair with … If I did, it would be in the book.” MORE

14 Comments on Wolff Finally Admits He Has No Idea If Trump Is Having An Affair

  1. Where are Trump’s private side lawyers? Shouldn’t they be tearing this guy apart? I wouldn’t even think Trump would have to take the stand as this fellow admitted in public he lied.

  2. He was also on an Australian TV show and when the host asked if he owed POTUS and FLOTUS an apology for his smears, he said there is something wrong with my earpiece. When the host asked him if he could hear him, he said “no.”😂

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