Woman accuses Rep. John Conyers of violating her body – IOTW Report

Woman accuses Rep. John Conyers of violating her body

USA Today: DETROIT — A woman who said she accepted a settlement with U.S. Rep. John Conyers broke her confidentiality agreement Thursday, detailing allegations of sexual misconduct in an appearance on the Today show.

“I am taking a risk. And the reason why I’m taking a risk — and it’s important — I want to be a voice,”  Marion Brown said, while appearing on the program shortly after 7:30 a.m. “My granddaughter, when she enters the workforce, I want her to not endure sexism and gender inequality.”


Brown accused Conyers of sexual harassment, “violating my body, propositioning me,” touching her “in different ways, and it was very uncomfortable and very unprofessional,” she said. She said that she “froze in shock” when he invited her to a Chicago hotel room in 2005, where he was in his underwear, pointed to his genitals and asked her to touch him.

“I didn’t know what to do,” Brown said. “I didn’t want to lose my job. I didn’t want to upset him.”

Conyers, 88, flew back to Detroit from Washington, D.C., on Tuesday night amid multiple sexual harassment allegations. He has steadfastly denied the accusations that he made sexual advances and improper remarks, as well as groping and rubbing former female staffers. His lawyer said the media attention forced him back to Detroit to look after his family.   read more

32 Comments on Woman accuses Rep. John Conyers of violating her body

  1. Her looks aren’t really important and Conyers ain’t no pretty baby.

    “I want her to not endure sexism and gender inequality.”
    This is an agenda-driven statement that has no bearing on what she describes.
    Male/Female relations aren’t “sexism.”
    And what has “gender inequality” to do with sex between consenting adults?

    A swift kick to the balls would have made it abundantly clear that she would tolerate no shenanigans. As for standing there “froze in shock” and “not wanting to lose [her] job,” then take it. Shut up, eat shit, and like it.

    John Conyers is a sleazy piece of shit – always has been – always will be.

    Her ideology blinded her – as it does so many others – and she succumbed to the “Cult of Personality” by which many idolize (or is it “icon-ize?”) disreputable and despicable people. She seems to have taken the wrong lessons from her sad experience.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Seeing a pattern here — John Conyers walked around at work in his underwear, Charlie Rose walked around in his underwear, Matt Lauer either walked around naked/or underwear?, Anthony Weiner takes pix of his dick and sends it on to Internet girlfriends …
    what is it with Lefty Liberals that they think their dick is somehow in a class by itself ?

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