Woman Blames Hillary For Sickness – IOTW Report

Woman Blames Hillary For Sickness

WORLD NEWS BUREAU – A woman claims she got ill after kissing Hillary Clinton’s hand (below) at Tuesday’s UNICEF Snowflake Ball.

“I noticed the hand didn’t smell good when I got close to it but I kissed it anyway,” said the unidentified woman. “Within an hour I was puking my guts out.”  MORE HERE

10 Comments on Woman Blames Hillary For Sickness

  1. This is America and she damn sure aint the Pope.
    Let this be a lesson to her, even my dog knows not to eat the poison mushroom.
    Kiss that walking cadaver’s hand ! My god woman, control yourself.

  2. What kind of sycophant goes so far as to KISS the ring for that viral mass of swamp matter? She looks like she doesn’t even bathe half the time and I would automatically go on internal alert, like when you see someone in the bathroom who didn’t wash their hands.

    Anyway any person who kisses the hand of a politician has no self respect to begin with.

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