Woman Boasts about Paying for Groceries with Chip Implant; Internet Reacts in Horror – IOTW Report

Woman Boasts about Paying for Groceries with Chip Implant; Internet Reacts in Horror

Daily Fetched: A woman has gone viral after posting a video of her paying for groceries with a chip implant in a store.

The woman, Burgundy Waller, now known as “Chip Girl” on TikTok, said she had a chip with radio-frequency identification implanted in her right hand in 2020.

Waller said she used the chip implant to replace her keys but now uses it for other thing like paying for groceries. more

19 Comments on Woman Boasts about Paying for Groceries with Chip Implant; Internet Reacts in Horror

  1. Some of the comments I read were that this is the mark of the beast.

    This is not the “mark of the beast” from the book of Revelation in the Bible. That mark is a mark that will be accepted by the person as worship to the antichrist. It may be that this is a precursor to that to prepare for the real thing.

    But getting an implant (which is foolish in itself) to make it ‘easier’ to make purchases and whatever else they can think of it doing, is not selling your soul to Satan. That is what the true mark of the beast is for and the person who chooses to get it will know that they are choosing the antichrist instead of God.

  2. so now first the we wants reparations crowd will walk around with hunting knives to cut out your chip to steal everything you own while you bleed out on the sidewalk and Phase 2 is where the Gubmint controls how much money you have and how you spend it…..just try and buy that ammo or to buy gas to go vote non-Democrat party…..the youth are so stupid now that the plan is ready to implement…..

  3. Her firstborn child and any subsequent children born after that if they aren’t aborted first. This is worse than selling your birthright for some lentil stew like Esau did with his brother Jacob. I like lentils but not enough to sell my God given American birthright of freedom for. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom and this ain’t it.

  4. I’m always encouraged when things go from bad to worse.

    I’m so ready to get harazo-ed up, as I said to a friend only yesterday, that I feel like an impatient vacationer, sitting on my luggage by the front door at 6a, waiting for the 10a taxi!

    Watch and pray.

  5. Can’t wait to read a future article how it came to bite her in the ass. A thug discretely held her at gun-point and made her buy dozens of lottery tickets and Phillies Blunts.

  6. HungJ
    “The human body generates more bio electricity than a 120 volt battery and over 25000 BTUs of body heat…the machines…found all the energy they would ever need.” Morpheus (more or less).

    All those rice grain sized chip implants only require a fraction of that.



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