Woman Charged for Allegedly Making False Rape Claim at Delta College – IOTW Report

Woman Charged for Allegedly Making False Rape Claim at Delta College

Breitbart: A female student at Delta College in University Center, Michigan, is facing felony charges after allegedly falsely reporting a rape to campus police.

Student Mary Zolkowski is facing felony charges for allegedly making a false rape claimafter she offered contradictory accounts of an alleged incident to campus police. Zolkowski initially told law enforcement that she was walking to her car when a man, unknown to Zolkowski, grabbed and brutally raped her.

Police claim that Zolkowski’s story changed during the second meeting with investigators. In the second version of the story, Zolkowski reportedly told police that the attacker was an acquaintance and that the incident took place in an apartment, rather than in a parking lot.

After being questioned on the inconsistencies in her report, Zolkowski apologized for the confusion and decided that she no longer wanted to press charges. In a third interview, Zolkowski’s story reportedly changed once again, claiming that she never told her alleged attacker that she wanted him to stop.

Zolkowski now faces up to four years and a $2,000 fine if she is convicted on the charges of one count of false report of a felony.  MORE


10 Comments on Woman Charged for Allegedly Making False Rape Claim at Delta College

  1. As a other of two boys, and so far, a grandmother of five boys, false rape charges scare the crap out of me since the colleges have taken the feminazi stance. Prosecute false charges to the fullest extent possible. This woman is insane and she could screw up a guy for life.

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