Woman dies of altitude sickness on Mount Everest after taking on the climb with her husband to prove ‘vegans can do anything’ – IOTW Report

Woman dies of altitude sickness on Mount Everest after taking on the climb with her husband to prove ‘vegans can do anything’

DailyMailUK: Maria Strydom died on Saturday afternoon after having to turn back from the final leg of the expedition because she felt unwell.

She returned to Camp 4, the last camp before the mountain’s summit, on Friday where she spent the night but died from lack of oxygen the following day.

The 34-year-old South African national taught at Monash University in Melbourne and was an experienced climber.

Her husband Robert Gropel is injured but, according to trip organisers, ‘100 per cent safe’.

Weeks before her death Dr Strydom told how she and her husband wanted to dispel the belief that vegans were ‘weak’ or ‘malnourished’ by taking on the climb.

‘It seems that people have this warped idea of vegans being malnourished and weak.

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60 Comments on Woman dies of altitude sickness on Mount Everest after taking on the climb with her husband to prove ‘vegans can do anything’

  1. Most vegetarians don’t get enough vitamin B because the science about vegetarianism is being suppressed. Also, the perfect protein for humans is hemp seed and many vegetarians don’t eat hemp seed.

    So, she either died due to toxins, a genetic defect, improper food choices within the vegetarian diet, or all of it, that’s it. She did not die due to being a vegetarian if she was getting enough vitamin B, enough protein, and the proper balance of minerals and vitamins.

    Why are you seeing false propaganda articles like this? Hemp seed is getting popular and the doctors and politicians and meat makers don’t want you to know you will get healthier eating hemp seed than you will eating meat, it can be grown in your backyard without any fuss, and you’ll live longer too — hemp seed has enzymes that extend life.

    We are being lied to badly! So badly, they are using advanced false propaganda in preparation for another fight against hemp, the tree of life!

  2. @ Bad_Brad
    I eat primarily vegetarain. Occasionally I’ll eat meat. The only time I fart is when I eat meat. As soon as the meat has cleared, the farts go bye bye!

    You must be around vegetarians who don’t know how to eat, or they are eating those veggie burgers with human DNA, that may be the problem…

  3. Occam’s Razor,
    We should meet at the gym so I can illistrate the error of your ways. Unless of course your eyes are on the side of your head. If not you were born carnivorous. Sorry to break it to you but that is the truth like it or not.

  4. @Bad_Brad

    lol. I started college when I was 28. First course? Fitness lab, did 45-minute circuit training. 45 seconds on the bike, 45 seconds on the machines, …there wasn’t enough weight for me on the leg press, last station. The meat eaters around my height couldn’t budge the blocks.

    Now? I’ve been doing research and working on a music project for the past 7-years. Other than an occasional walk, zero exercise. I still get gah gah eyes wherever I go.

    Oh, and I get erect 5 times per day, full cums, shoot far across the bed, nailed my roommate from 5′ the other day, faced. …she giggled.

  5. @ Bad_Brad

    lol. Thanks! If you did a vegetarian diet correctly, you’d hate yourself for ever eating meat.

    …questions: Why does eating cooked meat prematurely age you? Why doesn’t eating hemp seed prematurely age you? If you can answer those questions meat hopper, you’re buying me a steak!

    Wut in the hail is a “T-binec”?

  6. “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

  7. Eating cooked meat doesn’t prematurely “age” anyone. The human body is built largely of collagen and keratin. Oddly enough, animals like cows, chickens, pigs and fish are also constructed from these same proteins (created from the nutrients contained in what they eat and their own genetic properties). The human body produces collagenase and keratinase which are enzymes that digest collagen and some types of keratin (along with B vitamins, sulfurous amino acids, etc.) contained in meats to yield useful byproducts in the human body like “energy”, skin, bones, etc

    Based on the scientific evidence that the human body has the innate ability to create these enzymes that convert the collagens and keratins contained in meats to usable nutritional “building blocks”, humans were clearly designed to eat meat as well as vegetables. Valid nutritional science proves that eating meat is a healthy way to obtain the ingredients the body needs to grow / maintain itself in an optimal manner regardless of whatever the latest fad that vegetarians / vegans are pushing for supposedly better health.

  8. 1. You made my argument and answered my first question with your first paragraph and you don’t even know it.

    2. The second paragraph reveals you didn’t do due diligence to life and research deeply the food you eat. Instead, your second paragraph reveals you have accepted blindly information presented to you by known fraudsters that is harmful to good health and longevity, you have been suckered, hoodwinked, tricked.

    3. You still haven’t answered my second and third questions.

    When you answer my second and third questions, …lol, meat hopper, I will reveal to you the information I have learned.

    oh, one more question: If I may, …are you religious (catholic, christian, jewish, muslim)?

  9. @ occam’s dull razor – you’re talking nonsense because you don’t have the actual knowledge to intelligently refute the science I am speaking of. I’m quite certain that I’ve done far more valid research on nutrition than you could ever hope to. Apparently, you are so dull that you have to resort to ignorant, uninformed claims that I’ve been duped, hoodwinked, etc. by “known fraudsters” rather than attempting to refute any of the established science I stated.

    As for your other questions (not that they are worth answering), hemp seeds are fine and good for what they are. Why don’t you go live off of them exclusively for a few years and report back to me if you’ve aged prematurely (hint – you won’t be able to report back to me because you will be dead due to malnutrition). The “information you have learned” is of no interest to me because it will be a simple regurgitation of some new age garbage from the interwebs that is written by dullards whose intended audience is other dullards that aren’t capable of actually conducting valid research into how DNA works and how valid nutrition actually impacts the human body.

  10. One more question!

    Do you give any credence whatsoever to the following verses in the bible:

    The Sixth Day: Creatures on Land
    …29Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so. 31God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.…
    New American Standard Bible

  11. lol. Cute.

    Here’s a primer on hemp seed. Read through it first, then let’s continue the discussion:

    The Emperor Wears No Clothes, Jack Herer

    We can’t have an intelligible discussion unless we are all up-to-speed on the facts and science about hemp! Bubba’s got some homework to do.

    In a nut-shell, hemp is the tree of life. It is our primary source of food. Yes, we need other nutrients, but take a deep look into the nutritional profile of hemp, it’s made for man!

    Where Bubba’s research fails is at enzymes. The body produces a finite amount of enzymes. Every time you eat meat, you dig into your enzyme bank, you age. When you eat hemp seed, because the seed is loaded with enzymes and the protein is bio-available, unlike meat protein, you don’t dig into your enzyme bank, you don’t age when you eat hemp seed.

    And yes, that passage was indeed inserted to deceive and does not belong. …has man evolved since the Garden of Eden? …no. Therefore, his nutritional needs have not changed with the exception of now needing more than ever hemp to chelate toxins out of our bodies and environment.

  12. Life Extension Foundation, my go to source for anti aging and health supplements has this to say about hemp seeds


    Pretty positive information. Looks like an excellent supplement for a variety of reasons but certainly not something you’re going to live exclusively on. Humans have evolved to be able to digest animal protein-it’s not impossible to make up the needed nutrients if you are a vegetarian. A vegetarian needs to vary their plant based protein sources to ensure getting needed essential & non essential amino acids.

    A vegetarian lifestyle, done correctly, has been proven to lower death rates from coronary heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and some cancers. OTOH, a well balanced diet that includes animal protein will do the same.

    It’s not for me though-I enjoy a lot of chicken, fish and turkey, eggs are great and even the occasional steak, very rare of course. I believe the most important thing you must do to stay healthy, along with eating clean, is exercise. I’m in the gym almost every day pushing iron. Then there’s the CV work like biking or swimming.

    The idea is to die as young as possible as old as possible, ain’t it? When you get the call, there’s nothing you can do.

    BTW, I’ve seen altitude sickness climbing just the 14,000′ peaks in CO-it’s freaky stuff and it can happen to seemingly healthy people.

  13. Good info! And yes, we need a variety of foods, not just hemp seed. But, in a pinch, you’ll survive and thrive on just hemp seed alone the longest. And, if you replace all of your meat with hemp seed plus get enough of the rest of the food spectrum, you’ll see amazing results.

    Did you know that most of the iodine in the soil was washed into the oceans during the great flood? Consequently, iodine supplements are critical. I use Lugol’s 5%, works great, seen amazing results, does what it is supposed to do.

    And yes, …when you get the call. I had one call, saw the other side. …but, I’m baaaack!

  14. Screw around above twenty thousand feet and you can die. “Altitude Sickness’ is not a malady, it is trauma. The partial pressure of the oxygen is just too low to sustain life for very long.

    Rah rah for the intrepid ‘explorers’ and all that but they are placing themselves into an environment that is lethal.

    There is a good reason the FAA requires supplemental oxygen in aircraft that operate with a cabin ‘altitude’ above ten thousand feet.

  15. I think a lot of people jump on the vegetarian/vegan diet bandwagon without doing the research. You do need to be conscious about protein and calcium and plan meals accordingly.

    I don’t think this woman necessarily died from a bad diet. Like all libtard ideologues, she wanted to prove a point. She probably wasn’t sufficiently trained or physically prepared to make this arduous trek.

    Too bad so sad.

  16. the body is made of protein fat and minerals. It requires protein fat and minerals to function. Getting protein and fat is very easily done by consuming animal products such as meat and eggs.

    It can also be done without meat and eggs but it’s a lot harder in my opinion.

    Look up the crowder interview of an ex vegan. Ok, I did it for you.


    I know vegan isn’t vegetarian I’m just saying this video is extremely relevant to this thread.

    Also if you don’t have salt and cholesterol in your diet you gonna regret it. The govmint been lying to us for decades.

  17. “And yes, that passage was indeed inserted to deceive and does not belong.”

    So God is an incompetent and His corrupted Word can’t be trusted.

    Lake of Fire lest you repent to Christ.

  18. Fact: your body can make anything it needs out of protein because it can be converted to everything the body needs. Carbs can only be converted to sugar with the unused stored as fat.

    That is why every bariatric doctor will advise their patients – especially those who have undergone restriction (gastric bypass, lapband) to eat protein first.

  19. “You fucking honkies…”

    Would that be a nube checking in? Let me buy you a clue nube, we debate a lot of things since we have the intelligence to do so. Unlike some who’s level of dissertation is which end of the stick is more pointed.

  20. I would slash that turnip to pieces, until there is juice splattered everywhere, enjoy every minute of it, …I hope it screams bloody salad! I, am a vegetacidal maniac, …but mostly a cannabivore.

  21. I ate a PBJ with my hands, am having a cup of tea and honey, just smoked a bowl of Blueberry Pie after feeding the dogs chicken, potatoes, and rice.

  22. If the doctor has half-a-brain, he’s recommending hemp protein because it digests easily and quickly and provides *all* the amino acids necessary for human life, plus omega 3, 6, and 9 in nature’s perfect balance, and one mineral essential to brain function not found anywhere else, plus, well, read the label, it’s the perfect protein for humans and it has other essential nutrients as well, there’s a link above to Jack Herer’s book about hemp.

  23. …I wish. Being a genius who is well researched in this world is as much of a curse as it is a blessing. Ignorance is bliss. How’s it goin’?

  24. Gillette, your pot addled brain has obviously lost the ability to analyze and left you unable to do other than parrot propaganda and talking points.
    Sober up, (with pot that takes 3-9 months) and with any luck you will regain some of your facilities.
    A human is an omnivore, and your arguments to the contrary are as specious as those used to promote the idea that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
    Denying nature is insanity. Luckily for you, yours is possibly drug induced and may be able to be reversed.

  25. We’re cannabivores, not omnivores. Our teeth and stomach are made to crunch and digest raw seeds, leaves, twigs, and the flesh of fruit, nuts, and veggies.

  26. “She returned to Camp 4, the last camp before the mountain’s summit, on Friday where she spent the night but died from lack of oxygen the following day.”

    Maybe it was more of a lack of carbon dioxide.

  27. I’m with “anonymous” … you fuckers are nuts (typed with a smile).

    Who gives a fuck?

    Eat what you want, you’re gonna die, anyway!

    izlamo delenda est …

  28. How much fun can climbing Everest be?
    There’s a line miles long, there are actually crap mountains in base camp, it’s become a trash heap, they give you like a couple minutes on top then you you are shooed off so the next tourist can stand where you are.
    If they had a zip line to the bottom I would try it.

  29. I had to look it up, but cannabivore meant what I figured it did.
    An addict who has created a lifestyle around being constantly in a drug induced stupor, in this case using pot.
    Thank you for agreeing with my premise that your position had no basis in reality and only existed in your drug induced hallucinatory state.
    I sincerely hope that you get some help with your substance abuse problems.
    Whatever you are running away from cannot be worse than what you are running towards as a ‘solution’.

  30. John, your argument has zero substance.

    Obviously, you know nothing about hemp and you are parroting the propaganda used to demonize hemp.

    Take a day or two reading Jack Herer’s book The Emperor Wears No Clothes. It’s a primer on hemp.

    You don’t want to go through life with false knowledge, do you? If not, read the book, do your own research. In the future, you’ll realize you owe me a “thank you” and hearty “I’m sorry for being such an a-hole”. …and, for course, in advance; I forgive you for being an ignorant, rude, a-hole!

  31. Gillette, Cannabis has a long history.
    Every civilization that has embraced it has turned away from it within a generation.
    If you bother to learn why, you will know the truth about your drug of choice.

  32. You’ve got that backwards. Every nation that did mass production of hemp became hugely successful and then the talmudic world bankers infiltrated and divided that nation or manufactured an enemy and invaded the nation and banned hemp just as they did here in the US of A!

    Why? A hemp seed can’t be patented so the bankers can’t control a hemp economy, that’s it.

  33. @ occam’s butter knife – I just read this “response” where you attempted to rebut my comments.

    “Where Bubba’s research fails is at enzymes. The body produces a finite amount of enzymes. Every time you eat meat, you dig into your enzyme bank, you age.”

    That has to be one of the most ignorant, uninformed statements I’ve ever seen regarding nutrition. The body produces enzymes based solely on what you consume and how your DNA directs the metabolization of the nutrients consumed. The DNA of the human body produces enzymes as long as it has the nutrients required to produce them (assuming one is not dead or suffering from medical conditions that limit the effectiveness of how DNA works). Humans don’t have an “enzyme bank” that can be exhausted as long as you eat the nutrients needed – there is no moment where the body reacts “Oh crap! I’ve completely run out of enzymes …. what do I do now?” as long as you consume the proper nutrients. Your statement shows a woeful lack of knowledge about nutrition and how the body works.

    Hemp seeds indeed do have a pretty broad range of nutrients, but they are also limited in quantity and quality compared to most meats (and yes, I have studied a good deal of info on hemp seeds among many other nutritional products in years past). Valid research requires using independent sources aside from people actively trying to sell you hemp products (which is what you referenced). Of course the guy selling the book you mentioned is going to tell you how wonderful hemp seeds are – he’s looking for marks to buy the products he’s selling and is willing to embellish the facts to increase sales.

    Try these two links comparing the nutritional profiles of hemp seed powder (shelled hemp seeds don’t have a specific protein profile available) to a medium grade beef steak. Note the “Amino Acid Score” on both – the profile on hemp seed powder notes that other amino acids (including lysine, methionine and cystine) are needed in addition to those contained in the hemp seeds to have a balanced intake – the steak has a higher quantity and a more balanced amount of proteins / amino acids (and a much higher amino acid rating).

    Here ……educate yourself before mindlessly popping off at others when you so obviously have no understanding of what you are spouting off about:



  34. You’ve bought into the false science, Bubba. Got with that. Enjoy!

    Over the next few decades, we cannabivores will be watching the meat eaters fall over 1 x 1.

    I strongly urge people to read Jack Herer’s book The Emperor Wears No Clothes. It explains a lot about hemp and debunks the info above thoroughly.

    I’d explain the whole thing, but it’s more important you do your own research.

    Good luck ever body, the shit’s about to hit the fan!

    I’m out ah here!

  35. @occam’s spoon – I feel so bad that I’m a victim of false science. I guess I am too dull to see your infinite wisdom on nutrition and all facets of life in general. And even worse, I was completely unaware that all my problems were caused by the jooooooos as you so graciously offered.

    I’m guessing that the likelihood is much higher that in the next few weeks or months, many of us will be seeing cannabivores literally fall over as compared to meat eaters because they will be too stoned to remain erect.

  36. http://www.bodyresults.com/e2anemia.asp

    Anemia and Climbing

    Such symptoms are also common to other ailments, including Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) at altitude. If a pre-menopausal woman who is otherwise asymptomatic climbs above 10,000 feet and experiences some of the above symptoms, she may suspect that she has a mild case of AMS; if the same otherwise healthy and active woman experiences these symptoms just climbing up a set of stairs at sea level, she may actually be lacking in iron, or even slightly anemic. Anemia can dramatically compound the effects at altitude, and can also increase the risks associated with altitude sickness; if left untreated, severe anemia may cause high-output heart failure, a life-threatening problem anywhere, but especially in the mountains far from emergency rescue services.

    Every vegan I know is iron and B12 deficient. Both cause anemias

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