Woman drives to Nellis Air Force Base and tells guards she has a bomb in her car – IOTW Report

Woman drives to Nellis Air Force Base and tells guards she has a bomb in her car

nellis afb bomb threat
KTNV: According to Nellis Air Force Base, an individual showed up at the main gate shortly before noon on Wednesday saying that there was a bomb in the individual’s vehicle.

7 Comments on Woman drives to Nellis Air Force Base and tells guards she has a bomb in her car

  1. Have you been to North Las Vegas lately? Don’t go at night. Military members were getting raped and beat to death with hammers there in the 80s. Could have been worse I guess, the Air Force wanted to send me to Liberty City FL

  2. North Las Vegas (Near Nellis and the Strip) was featured a lot on COPS. 😀

    It’s not as bad now, but it still has a lot of section 8-y type areas. I’m clear across town away from all of that mess.

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