Woman Faces Decades in Prison on Firearms Charges – Even Though ‘Not a Single Gun Was Real’ – IOTW Report

Woman Faces Decades in Prison on Firearms Charges – Even Though ‘Not a Single Gun Was Real’

“I look completely crazy,” Zltakis said. “It’s humiliating.”

19 Comments on Woman Faces Decades in Prison on Firearms Charges – Even Though ‘Not a Single Gun Was Real’

  1. Great police work. This is why the police have lost the support of the right. They are little better than the criminals now. No honest, self-respecting cop would have participated in this travesty. And I wonder who ratted them out.

  2. There was one real firearm among the collection, and that firearm could be used to prosecute her on City, State, and possibly Federal charges (depending on if she was a prohibited person or not).

    The starter pistols are probably considered illegal firearms there (NY, NYC) as well so they could probably be used in her prosecution.

    But she’ll have to be convicted by a jury for the charges, and surely a jury will see the folly of it and find her not guilty.

    Are toy guns like airsoft legal in NYC? I have no idea what their laws are like.

  3. Never mind questioning cops who pose with fake guns, what about cops who can’t tell the real from the fake during a raid?
    I’d be interested to know which one of the neighbors turned her in. That same neighbor is probably the biggest maskhole you’ll ever meet now.

  4. Hired goons operating under the color of law to support the nefarious purposes of those seeking to disarm the public.
    They’ve been terrorizing children about guns for decades now in the public schools and now they’re broadening the pressure.


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