Woman Finds Out – IOTW Report

12 Comments on Woman Finds Out

  1. They are far from the “gentler sex”. They can be every bit as rude and obnoxious as men can be. Even worse, because they don’t expect you to hit back.

  2. Timeless movie quote:

    Receptionist: “How do you write women so well?”

    Melvin Udall: “I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.”

  3. I love the look of shock on her face. She has an entitlement license to do whatever she pleases with an invisible invincibility shield. As if she paid real good money for that shield and can’t understand how or why it would possibly fail her. She calling the cops to report an impossible breach of her shield 😂️😂️

  4. I dont hit women. For a variety of reasons, upbringing, and lived experiences, I just…dont. Doesnt mean Ive never WANTED to, but I dont.

    But my wife operates under no such restraints, if it comes to that. And she earned a black in TKD too, just sayin…

  5. I weep at the coarsening of our society. I blame a lot of it on the lure to produce money-making “content” for social media accounts. We don’t have a society so much as we have “content”. But our content is a lot like the disclaimer on a box of cereal; it has settled during shipment — the passage of time and the neglect of care — and we’re getting but half a box of what we paid for. We’re now racing for the bottom.


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