Woman in bikini and handcuffs jumps off cruise ship into Gulf of Mexico – IOTW Report

Woman in bikini and handcuffs jumps off cruise ship into Gulf of Mexico

A woman is missing in the Gulf of Mexico after she reportedly jumped from a Carnival cruise ship — following a disturbance in a hot tub that landed her in handcuffs, according to fellow passengers. more

33 Comments on Woman in bikini and handcuffs jumps off cruise ship into Gulf of Mexico

  1. The cruise line will be suspending “Hot Tubs And Handcuffs” nights until they are sure they have sufficiently publicized in enough languages that the handcuffing is VOLUNTARY, if that’s what you’re into, and so please don’t jump off the boat (unless that’s ALSO what you’re into…)

  2. My cousin was a Captain of an Carnival & Costa Cruise ship.
    (No not that one)

    He said the “Jail” on the Cruise ship was nicer than the regular crew quarters. Besides, it’s not like there is any shitty food on the boat.

  3. We had a guy who had just got out of the brig on board the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 in the Spring of 1974 and the first thing he did was to jump off the side of the ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean during full flight ops. Needless to say the Captain of the ship was pissed because they had to suspend flight ops temporarily to fish this dumbass out of the ocean. And this turkey ended up right back in the brig for the duration of the cruise. And another time some yahoo threatened to jump off the Island far above the flight deck, but they caught him before he could jump and he too ended up in the brig.

  4. …I never was a LEO so I do not know about handcuffing from that side, but I’ve been on the WRONG end of handcuffings before and from THAT perspective, it seems that the handcuffER did something wrong.

    I usually had my hands cuffed BEHIND me, and a cop generally kept his hands on them except when speaking to me, at which time there would be a half-dozen OTHER cops glowering at me and fingering their PR-24s in a way that suggested that it would be a pretty short run if I tried to go all Chariots Of Fire on them. At those times when a LEO had his hands on the cuffs, again from personal experience I can tell you that even a SLIGHT upwards pull on the cuffs behind your back would bend your shoulders and elbows in such a way that you’d forget about any cute ideas about juking into the end zone, or wherever you wanted to go that WASN’T the back of a cruiser.

    Also, if you ARE a cop, use the ones with a hinge between them instead of a chain. Those are MUCH more unpleasant, MUCH harder to maneuver around, and also aren’t as helpful if you DO get them in front of you and try to choke the cop out with them while he’s driving.

    …not that I ever TRIED anything like that, but I’ve seen some things..

    “Makes me cringe. Horrible way to go.”

    …well, sure, not too many nice ways to die anyway, but it kind of takes away from the tragedy that it was 100% avoidable on the part of the cuffee, it’s not like they threw her overboard or anything, she’s only dead because she chose poorly.

    It’s unlikely she could do any kind of proper dive like that, so she probably got knocked out on impact and wasn’t conscious after hitting the water anyway. Not that the fall would be any fun, but she most likely was already gone when the drowning part happened, if she didn’t get sucked into the screws first…

  6. …of course, a fall from a great height is rarely perpendicular, and sea breezes can be stout, not to mention whatever waves and maneuvering were going on at the time. Odds are she bounced off the ship a time or two, and likely wasn’t even conscious all the way to the water, particularly if she had her skull split from a hull plate on the way down…

  7. SNS FEBRUARY 18, 2022 AT 8:59 AM

    “Odds are she bounced off the ship a time or two,…”

    From the article:

    “…she jumped over the side of the ship.” Barnette said the woman apparently struck some lifeboats during her fall.”

    Some. SOME! More than one? She became a rag doll on the way down.


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