Woman interrupts Schumer’s press conference: “Did you tell capital police to stand down?” – IOTW Report

Woman interrupts Schumer’s press conference: “Did you tell capital police to stand down?”

Some naughty language.

21 Comments on Woman interrupts Schumer’s press conference: “Did you tell capital police to stand down?”

  1. She/he/it unloaded on Schumer. His security detail laid hands on it.

    I call bullshit. This was all scripted and played. Schumer was hoping for a “right wing” reaction he could take back to chambers.

    Everything is a false flag now, folks. Beware who you associate with.

  2. It’s possible, but I doubt someone like Schumer would work so directly. They would most likely have layers of separation between them and any action they’d want done — first to give them cover, and second to give them someone (or several someones, like low-level staffers “acting without authority”, of course) to throw under the bus if their shenanigans ever came to light.

  3. Wasn’t there a post here just a few days ago, a video of a French reporter who learned from a D.C. policeman that he and his people were told to go home? They went home but when he heard what was going on at the Capitol he got dressed an came back to see if he could help.

  4. What’s all this fuss about her being a plant or something?

    She sounds perfectly sane to me. She didn’t say one thing that isn’t similar to what many here have written as comments.

  5. Allot of great ideas, too bad there is no one good answer as they’ve got us boxed in a corner and allot of teeth are showing. I’ve had a great life, but it doesn’t look too great for the grand kids. Crap shoot is coming up, straight ahead on the left.

  6. I don’t think she was a plant. There was real passion there, she was pissed! Shmuky had his head down and looked awkward and uncomfortable before he sheepishly slinked off.

  7. Charge with Insurrection, treason, sedition, disrespecting a Senator, and interrupting a press event.

    Put her on “ a list”. Yeah, that’s the thing. A big fat list of Unamerican Enemies of Our Democracy, Terrorists, Insurrectionists, and Trump Supporters.

    Cut off her bank and credit cards. Send a note to her employer.

    That’s better than she deserves.

  8. I saw somewhere that she(?) Is being identified as a transvestite gypsy. After listening to her(?) I identify as a transvestite gypsy. She(?) did what we all need to do if the opportunity arises. And don’t touch me you cracker was hilarious. Black gypsy transvestite? Damn near a trifecta.

  9. Flip commented

    “Everything is a false flag now, folks. Beware who you associate with.”

    Exactly, An acquaintance of mine was bragging yesterday that his kid got an appointment letter from the secret service. The kid will be trained solely to be a plainclothes “plant”. Long-ish hair, scruffy beard, Antifa or patriot attire depending on his assignment. Just a
    “heads-up”, there’s plenty already out there his kid claims.

  10. WDS, yep! And who knows who’s lurking where and on what sites? All of them, I’ll guarantee it. They know every site you go to. What articles did you read rather than peruse through. What links you hit on articles. Are you a fast or slow reader. What kind of advertisements catch your eye. Before the internet they knee your magazine subscription interest. Nothing changed, we just made it easier for them.

  11. This depicts exactly why charlatans like Schumer carefully avoid public appearances. He fucked up this time because he thought he was a safe zone. That idiot probably thought he was going to be treated like a returning hero, but instead he got a reminder of just how much he’s despised.

  12. That “Boxed in a corner” is the bullshit they want us to believe.
    We outnumber them by millions, but you’re all scared of the little yapping dog.
    You should be preparing to repel boarders at this point.
    Flip is sure right though; nothing now is what it’s made to look like.


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