Woman Jobless and Homeless After Rioting Mobs Burned CVS, Then Her Home – IOTW Report

Woman Jobless and Homeless After Rioting Mobs Burned CVS, Then Her Home


In one night of mayhem Katrice Gardner lost her home, her job–and nearly her life.

And when dawn broke Tuesday, the 30-year-old Baltimore woman said she couldn’t understand why the mob that battled the police all night firebombed her house and reduced the CVS where she worked as a manager to ashes. More @ American Renaissance. 


21 Comments on Woman Jobless and Homeless After Rioting Mobs Burned CVS, Then Her Home

  1. Where is the Rev-run Al? Ain’t he gonna dee-mand justids for this lady? Write her a check, Al. Call 0bama and get her a Gummint check. Give her some ‘a your tax-free money.



  2. When the average black person stops voting democrat and blaming everything negative in their life on racism, I’ll start feeling sorry for the victims of black on black crime. Because those two factors are the reasons black urban communities are near third world conditions, not the Po-Po!

  3. If I was a white cop….I would refuse to pursue any black suspect. Get a special team of blacks to handle all calls involving blacks. I refuse to go near black people.

  4. She couldn’t understand why the mob that battled the police all night firebombed her house and reduced the CVS where she worked as a manager to ashes”

    She probably couldn’t understand the ramifications of electing a Marxist community organizer as President either.

    Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid.

  5. Ancient Chinese Proverb:

    “Live in CessPool,
    Smell like Shit.”

    (OK, so I made it up … but some chink may have said it … it’s the narrative that matters, not the facts)

  6. WTF is a CVS? I hate this form of communication, that is, the reducing of the English language into abbreviations. AT LEAST spell it out at the beginning of an article.

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