Woman Kicked in Face For Wearing Slacks in Turkey – IOTW Report

Woman Kicked in Face For Wearing Slacks in Turkey

JAWA REPORT: Aysegul Terzi was assaulted on a bus in Istanbul after the man claimed Islamic law demanded he attack the young woman.

In shocking footage the 23-year-old girl is seen being brutally kicked in the face by Abdullah Cakiroglu.

13 Comments on Woman Kicked in Face For Wearing Slacks in Turkey

  1. How much you want to bet that “coup” was engineered by plants working for Erdogan so he could murder, fire or otherwise dispose of the people that were in or could have been in opposition to his plan to take Turkey to an Islamic theocracy complete with Sharia law just like Iran and soon to be Indonesia. When Trump wins I hope to god they start the process to kick Turkey out of NATO and that the EU rescind any offers of joining up. It won’t happen of course because most of our politicians are cowards when it comes to facing down murdering dictators.

  2. @scr_north:
    “It won’t happen of course because most of our politicians are cowards when it comes to facing down murdering dictators.”

    Murdering dictators? Hell, they shit in their pants when it comes to facing down Barry.

  3. As the Muslim crescent moon and Sharia march across the world, our precious little flower Barky Hussein and his Prozac Mammy Hillary prance and stumble across the stage of America winking at these hordes of apes, begging them to come. What do they POSSIBLY think will happen if their enticements come true: 1) Gays will be slaughtered on site. 2) Females with their faces, and boobs hanging out, and in pant suits will be slaughtered on site. 3) The second the mullahs tell Moochie to cover herself, she will go postal on them, rip off her dress and show her cock to the world, thus confirming what we all thought, but too late. 4) The mullahs will declare Barky and Moochie gay and shove them off the roof of the Empire State Bldg. Hillary will be declared the infidels’ witch of the west and be slaughtered where she stands. Barky and Hillary really need to think this through better. The rest of America can see the handwriting on the wall.

  4. The UN passes another resolution, blaming Israel for this crime against women and humanity.

    But, But…..Obama says; it has nothing to do with islam.

    A helpless woman screaming while being beaten is the second sweetest sound on the earth, says Obama.

  5. Hillary has entered Turkey on many occasions and met with the highest levels of their Government….always in Pant-suits………..why didn’t she get beaten?

    Hey, lets send Hillary to Turkey in her multi-colored pant-suit and give them another opportunity…..her campaign can praise her for her international experience (which consists of travel and little else).

  6. @cato, because the muslim hordes know to wait until their pawn #2 is in place, in the whitehut, before going full monty on them. Barky is pawn #1 but a little too light in the heels for them. The muslims are using her as their hook for now. She and Barky Hussein (intelligentsia suprema) are too dumb, too corrupted to see this.

  7. “What do they POSSIBLY think will happen if their enticements come true …”?

    They know EXACTLY what will happen, and are betting (our lives) on it.

    The idea is to foment anarchy and chaos, so that America will plead for martial law – with the concomitant suspension of the Constitution – which they’ll only be too happy to impose.

    No other scenario makes sense.
    No other scenario is rational.
    No one, in full control of their faculties, without ulterior motives, could countenance such an invasion of such a decidedly vicious cult.

    izlamo delenda est …

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