Woman Kicked Off Flight From Baltimore To Los Angeles – IOTW Report

Woman Kicked Off Flight From Baltimore To Los Angeles

KFI: Video of a woman getting kicked off a flight to Los Angeles is going viral.  The plane was getting ready to hit the runway Tuesday when the woman claimed she had a life-threatening pet allergy.  She refused to get off the plane so the cops were called in and she wasn’t going peacefully.


 The woman saw two dogs on the flight, made her complaint to the flight attendant, but had no proof of her illness.  Passengers eventually pleaded with her to leave as cops can be seen dragging her away.  During the confrontation, a flight attendant can be heard asking people to stop filming the incident.  Southwest Airlines released a statement saying they are disheartened by the way this situation unfolded.


46 Comments on Woman Kicked Off Flight From Baltimore To Los Angeles

  1. She pulled the “I’m a professor!” card.

    If I was that meaty beaty big and bouncy cop I would have told her to shove that card up her ass. But of course I’d say something like that. Just look at the name my two daddies cursed me with.

  2. Her claiming, “I’m a professor”, says it all for me.

    A leftwing fucktard indoctrination bot training your kids to be Marxists, AND YOU’RE ALL PAYING HIGH SUMS OF MONEY FOR THAT.

    Time to start boycotting colleges en masse.

  3. Assuming she’s Muslim. Doesn’t like dogs.



    A 46-year-old college professor who complained of life-threatening allergies was arrested Tuesday after being forcibly removed from a Southwest Airlines flight that was bound for Los Angeles and carried dogs in the cabin.
    Anila Daulatzai of Baltimore was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct, failure to obey a reasonable and lawful order, disturbing the peace, obstructing and hindering a police officer and resisting arrest, said Lt. Kevin Ayd of the Maryland Transportation Authority Police.


    Previous Teaching Experiences: Anila Daulatzai has educated students on three continents (North America, Europe and Asia). The scope of courses she has taught range from anthropology courses specifically on Afghanistan, critical humanitarianism, transnational migration, towards an anthropology of Islamophobia, critical public health and medical anthropology, and radical ethnography as social science research methodology. She has held teaching fellowships and teaching positions at the Johns Hopkins University in the USA, at Kabul University and at the American University of Afghanistan in Afghanistan, at the University of Zürich in Switzerland, and at the Lahore University of Management Sciences in Pakistan.

  4. If her allergy were truly life threatening, then the officers saved her life by removing her from the plane. If she was lying about it, then nail her for every applicable FAA regulation she violated plus resisting arrest. And jaywalking. Spitting on the sidewalk…

  5. “I’m a professor”

    She’s listed as a new faculty member at the Maryland Institute College of Art. She was previously a visiting assistant professor of Women’s Studies and Islamic Studies at the Harvard Divinity School.

    Passengers spared (at the very least from sharing cabin space) by act of dog.

    (“Yes ma’am, we know. Allah will call you home if you don’t see the dog worshiping infidels punished. fatal allergy, smash the patriarchy, we get it.”)

  6. Yes, dogs are najis: things or persons regarded as ritually unclean in islam. But so are a lot of other things such as urine, feces, blood, semen, pigs, alcohol and non-muslims. Obviously there are cleansing rituals otherwise every muslim would be permanently spiritually unclean. I wonder if she also complained that she was surrounded by creatures just as unclean as the dog: all those non-muslims fellow passengers around her?

  7. Put aside for the moment her yelling I’m a Professor as she may have been trying to establish credentials as a professional unlikely to go through this just because she doesn’t like dogs. Most people allergic to dogs, cats or shellfish rarely carry any sort of ID atesting to that. If I were a cop I may have looked for an epipen and upon finding one been a damn site more professional in how he handled her. As for the airline I wonder whether they advertise that dogs will now be carried in the passenger cabin in a cage under the seat. The thought of having an allergic reaction 30,000 feet in the air can be a terrifying thought to a person and trigger all kinds of inappropriate reactions. I’m not sure how this started but maybe she panicked just finding out about the dos and things went downhill from there. I’d give her the benefit of the doubt until I found out whether she is highly allergic to dogs.

  8. I’ve had retards like this trying to act allergic to my Maltese. It’s fun to laugh at them and tell them how stupid they are.

    Baltimore to LA? from one loony bin to another.

  9. I read four different articles on this subject. None specify whether or not they were service dogs or pets. Curious, since the left apparently is undergoing a sudden anti-service animal spasm.

    Gosh. Remember when the news had news in it?

  10. I bet she was surprised when she made the complaint ans was told she would be the one to have to leave and not the dogs which, most likely, had paid seats as well.

    Airline: Do we take off the one person claiming she has a life-threatening allergy, or the four paid seats that we would have to refund?

    It’s simple math, plus she never mentioned she had any allergies when she booked the flight like someone with a ‘life-threatening allergy’ most likely would.

  11. @Czar of Defenestration September 28, 2017 at 5:19 am

    > Am I the only one confused here?

    The Internet is global. So, maybe not. For readers from lands where The Internet can only be enjoyed while one’s little buddy peddles the bamboo bicycle with one wheel:

    In the lands where The Internet is produced, people live beneath the bulk of The Holy Mother State. Xe provides for them, instructs them, feeds on them, and ensures that the ruling patriarchy can not harm the whimyns (of any gender). It is an affront to the glory of The Holy Mother State to do for oneself, as it both usurps the dominion of Xer Most Blessed thugs, and denies Xer blessed Omnience.

  12. Based upon political correctness cops need better training regarding the giving of orders. When an individual doesn’t comply you cuff’em and stuff’em – out they go. Another good reason for homeschooling

  13. Seems like a pair of cuffs could have avoided a lot of struggle. If she then did all she could with her feet, then a cop at each end to carry her off.

    It looked really lame to let her have so much physical influence on her removal once it was determined it was going to happen no matter how much she protested.

  14. I would have let her claim “I’m walking” maybe twice.
    Then, a double hammer lock and drag her out backwards and if she decided to shtruggle… a couple of hard knees to the kidneys to knock the wind out of (and shut up) this lying bitch.

  15. In my thousands of miles of airline travel and interaction with police, one thing stands out, don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit.
    Don’t resist, tell it to the judge, not the janitor.
    Once you get physical, you’re gonna lose.
    Doesn’t this woman’s religion teach she doesn’t have standing to resist men?

  16. But she is a professor of Bull Sheet. She shovels it all day every day for living. All of her academic degrees and a five dollar bill will buy a cup coffee almost anywhere in the US.

  17. Would have loved to have watched this but unfortunately the person shooting the video was having some kind of spastic seizure during the incident. Note to people filming incidents like this and then posting them: HOLD THE GODDAMN PHONE IN ONE GODDAMN SPOT FOR CRYIN’ OUT LOUD. WAVING THE PHONE FRANTICALLY FROM RIGHT TO LEFT AND UP AND DOWN MAKES THESE VIDEOS UNWATCHABLE!!!

  18. @Gladys; I’ve seen them happen too. Remember, she only saw these dogs when the plane was taxing to it’s departure point and dog dander would take awhile to filter through the cabin and she’s thinking 45 minutes into the future. Hey, she could well be lying like a rug but we don’t know and the story doesn’t tell us.

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