Woman killed during conjugal visit with CA murderer – IOTW Report

Woman killed during conjugal visit with CA murderer

News Nation

A notorious killer serving life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder of four men in Los Angeles County reportedly strangled his wife to death during a conjugal visit late last year, according to multiple media reports.

On June 12, 1990, David Brinson shot retired tavern owner Robert Marks, 59, in his garage apartment on South Burnside Avenue in the Mid-Wilshire district and three other men.  

At his trial, witnesses testified that Brinson believed the former tavern owner was a well-connected cocaine dealer when he showed up with a gun and two accomplices hoping to rob the men for drugs and money, The Times reported at the end of the 1994 trial.

After tossing the apartment and finding only a scant amount of marijuana, witnesses testified that Brinson shot Marks, Gene McCullars, 28, Celedino Ligtas, 33, and William Terry 27, execution style as the men laid face down on the floor of the bedroom.  

They had all reportedly gathered at Marks’ apartment to watch a basketball game. more

20 Comments on Woman killed during conjugal visit with CA murderer

  1. …whelp, cant say she didnt know what he was or that he hid it from her, under the circumstances…the REAL sad part is that he’ll probably get ANOTHER voulenteer, some chick thats attracted to “Bad Boys” and just SURE that SHE can change him, and off we go again…

  2. He executes three people in pursuit of drugs and money. Our ‘justice’ system lets him live. While imprisoned he gets hump visits with some ginch and kills her too! Please! You couldn’t write such a story as fiction, no one would believe it! Keep voting demorat I guess.

  3. Now, imagine the white mentally ill lefty women who STILL send the Boston Bomber naked pictures of themselves, just hoping…
    And that Mario (luigi?) guy who murdered the health insurance guy.

    Some women (any color) hate the normal, good men (any color) for no reason but LOVE demonic men because they want to be one, too. Disgusting women with Jezebel spirits. Ugh.

  4. …interesting quote from Karl Marx himself on the political utility of women…

    “Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”

    Karl Marx


    …and a biblical take on things like this…

    “6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

    7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
    2 Timothy 3, 6-7

    …present company excepted, of course…


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