Woman Obama Granted Clemency to Ordered Back to Prison – IOTW Report

Woman Obama Granted Clemency to Ordered Back to Prison


Once again, some thug Obama granted clemency is ordered back to the clink.

The woman, who was serving a LIFE SENTENCE, was ordered back to prison because of theft and violating other terms of her release.

The woman was part of a massive crack cocaine ring, and likely responsible for endless numbers of deaths and addiction issues, but Obama saw it in his heart to set her free.

Too bad he didn’t treat our nation’s vets with that same compassion.

A woman who was sentenced to life in prison in 2006 but was granted clemency last year by President Barack Obama has been ordered back to prison after being arrested for theft and violating the terms of her supervised release, the Department of Justice announced on Thursday.

Carol Denise Richardson, who was initially arrested for her role in a crack cocaine ring, had her sentence commuted by Obama on March 30, 2016 after serving just under 10 years of her sentence. Richardson was released from the U.S. Bureau of Prisons on July 28, 2016, and placed under supervised release for a period of 10 years.

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10 Comments on Woman Obama Granted Clemency to Ordered Back to Prison

  1. maaaaaan – popo jus’ be persecutin’ the sistah cause she be black, yo. Couldn’t possibly be any other reason. Theft? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit no! She be takin’ what be hers from DA MAN!

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