Woman Plowed Car into Boyfriend on Way to Couple’s Therapy – IOTW Report

 Woman Plowed Car into Boyfriend on Way to Couple’s Therapy


A woman is accused of plowing her car into her boyfriend during an argument on the way to couple’s therapy, law enforcement said.

Veronica Roleen Gast, 30, was driving to a therapy session in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, on Saturday when she and her boyfriend began fighting, Fergus Now reported.

‘The couple already had been fighting all day when the boyfriend — who was not identified — suddenly dropped that he didn’t think their relationship was working anymore, cops said,” according to the New York Post

An angered Gast allegedly stopped the car in the middle of traffic and demanded that her boyfriend get out of the vehicle.  read more

13 Comments on  Woman Plowed Car into Boyfriend on Way to Couple’s Therapy

  1. “Gast allegedly stared her boyfriend down and “floored” the car in an attempt to hit him while he walked in front of the car to get to the sidewalk, police said”

    …maybe DONT walk in front of the car you just left because the super angry woman inside it threw you out?

    …just a suggestion…

  2. Agreeing to go to “couple’s therapy” may not have been the first red flag, but it was the biggest. The guy is always the problem, and among other things expected to pay for the session.

    Dude, just tell her to go by herself, and while she’s gone clear your stuff out and save a lot of headache.

  3. Sounds to me like he got off easy.

    I’ve never met a man that was worth a shit that rode shotgun though. Damndest thing though, there are dumbass women who will go out of their way to find one of the worthless fuckers to pair up with. Had one working for us that could have been a Victoria’s Secret model, back when that meant something, if her mouth wasn’t always hanging open with her looking like a slack jawed halfwit. Wrecked her car running home at lunch to give her significant other a ride. Were you taking him to a job interview? I asked sarcastically. No, I was taking him to his tanning appointment.

    She was dumber than a box of rocks. One morning I told her about my uncle. He had a vasectomy, but never finished paying the doctor bill. He turned it over to a collection agency and they sent a repo man who came by a couple weeks ago and knocked up his old lady. She spent the entire morning throwing a walleyed fit and screaming about how that shits just not right.


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