Woman Recounts How Her Dominican Republic Getaway Became a Nightmare – IOTW Report

Woman Recounts How Her Dominican Republic Getaway Became a Nightmare


Epoch Times: A mother from Delaware has claimed that she was brutally beaten and left for dead in an eight-hour attack while vacationing at the Dominican Republic in January.

Tammy Lawrence-Daley, 51, shared the confronting details about the alleged attack in a post on Facebook with the hope to warn others to keep their guard while walking alone in unfamiliar places. The post, which was published on May 29, has since become viral with more than 154,000 shares and over 142,000 reactions at the time of this publication.

“How do you explain to your kids you were almost killed by some random stranger and that ‘Mommy is coming home, but I don’t look like myself?’ How do you look into your parent’s eyes as they gaze upon your battered face telling them, ‘I’m okay, I’ll be okay.’ Seeing friends break down in tears as they look at you. Everyone asking, ‘why?’ ‘how?’” she began. “You tell them a story.”

Lawrence-Daley claimed the incident occurred during a holiday to Majestic Elegance in the Dominican Republic with her husband and best friends. She said after a night out with her friends she became hungry and called for room service but was unsuccessful. So she decided to head downstairs to her building lounge to get a snack.

“I ended up bypassing the lounge in our building and opted to go to the lounge in the next building, which was on the beach,” she wrote. “I thought I could get some pictures of the moon on the water, but I never made it to the beach.”  more here [warning: with photos]

27 Comments on Woman Recounts How Her Dominican Republic Getaway Became a Nightmare

  1. …Anybody else wanna raise the racism alarm or just me?
    How- uh, TAN was the monster who tried to murder her? How TAN are the owners and employees of the resort she was staying at???

    I’m just sayin.

  2. Click on the red DOMINICAN REPUBLIC link in the story. It takes you to updates from D.R. news. First three stories are unsolved murder cases involving tourists from the US.

    Seems like a serial killer.

  3. “Be smart, be safe.” You mean like, perhaps using the buddy system? I’m not blaming her, of course, but why would this woman go somewhere alone in a foreign country?

  4. Never place yourself alone at these places, especially on foreign soil.
    They are all corrupt and jobs are given out to relatives regardless of character.

  5. No reasonably intelligent white person would knowingly walk through a major American city ghetto, so why would that same person go on a vacation in the DR and expect anything different?

  6. I remember standing 10 years ago
    at the bus stop withh a mom saying that her college age son is going to Spring break in Mexico. I said pray for him. She said nothing.

  7. From time to time Wheel of Fortune gives away trips to the Dominican Republic. (Funny thing about many of the places WoF gives trips to: you won’t see me going to them.)

    Curiously about the Dominican Republic: Way back when I studied current events as a third grader in the 1964-65 school year, the Dominican Republic seemed like more oh a hot spot than Viet Nam. I still can’t shake that.

  8. Been there once and will never go back to that shit hole. IMHO, the whole Caribbean is one big shit hole. I get deals all the time for vacations there and my response is always NOT EVEN FOR FREE!

  9. Nnnnnnnn… Foreign tourists have been robbed and murdered in Florida, too. It got so bad at a point that we actually changed the protocol for license plates, which used to indicate rental cars.

  10. I carry even where it’s not “legal”. Pulling it out of a pocket has an amazing effect on thugs. I look at it this way, “I’d rather go to court than my own funeral”. It’s not like they will turn you in.

  11. When I was in the Navy and my boat would make port calls, if the port call was within the United States we were encouraged to go out with at least one other shipmate. If it was a foreign port, we were REQUIRED to have at least one other, preferably two or three other shipmates along just to prevent an occurrence like this!

    People who claim what a hateful, racist, and dangerous country the United States is really need to go visit almost any other foreign nation by themselves.

  12. Peter the Bubblehead is right.
    Even as kids of military parents, we were not allowed in certain areas of a foreign country we were stationed in AND you were told to never go alone. Anywhere. Always have your neck on a swivel and you had better learn the language enough to know what’s going on around you.
    Ya never know.

    And that goes for Europe, too. Not just the Americas or Asia.

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