Woman Shoots And Kills Suspected Carjacker With His Own Gun In North Las Vegas – IOTW Report

Woman Shoots And Kills Suspected Carjacker With His Own Gun In North Las Vegas

news.com.au: A woman shot and killed a suspected carjacker in self-defence last month when he was trying to drive off in her car in a North Las Vegas neighbourhood, police said this week, according to a report.

The victim and a friend had parked near another friend’s house as they waited to go inside for an early Thanksgiving dinner on November 19 when a car parked in front of them, they told Las Vegas Metropolitan Police, according to FOX 5 Las Vegas.

Two or three men got out of the car and allegedly pulled the woman out of the driver’s seat and her friend out of the passenger’s side. One of the suspects got in but couldn’t figure out how to drive it because it was a push-to-start.

When the victim realised the suspect had placed the gun in his lap to figure out the car, she grabbed it and ran, telling her friend to run, too. more

13 Comments on Woman Shoots And Kills Suspected Carjacker With His Own Gun In North Las Vegas

  1. I was using push-to-start over 50 years ago.

    First time was in a 68 Bug with a dead battery.

    The latest was about ten years ago in a Mazda van with a manual trans. Pop that clutch!

  2. “… he was trying to drive off in her car …”

    Suspected? What? Maybe he was borrowing the car? Or he identified as the car’s owner?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “She then ran and hid in the side yard of a house as a second suspect started shooting at her.” But attempted murder isn’t one of the charges. What’s up with that?

  4. @Brown Eyed Girl: good point.

    There should be a homocide charge against the second perpatrator as that death occurred during the commission of a crime in which he was taking part. Perhaps that varies by state…


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