Woman Supporting Kamala Harris ‘Because She is a Black Woman’ Gets Schooled with a Brutal Reality Check – IOTW Report

Woman Supporting Kamala Harris ‘Because She is a Black Woman’ Gets Schooled with a Brutal Reality Check

In a heated discussion on the latest episode of his podcast, content creator Anton Daniels confronted the troubling implications of identity politics when a guest openly admitted she would vote for Vice President Kamala Harris solely because she is a black woman.

17 Comments on Woman Supporting Kamala Harris ‘Because She is a Black Woman’ Gets Schooled with a Brutal Reality Check

  1. Voting for (or not voting for) someone based solely on a personal characteristic is OK by me…in certain cases. For example, I’m fine with someone not voting for Kakamala because she has the personal characteristic of being very stupid. (There are other reasons I could mention 🙄.)

  2. When people say they’re voting for skin color, gender, they seem nice, etc, I think these people are too dumb to vote and it’s just how the left likes them.

  3. Yes, Identity Politics is wrong and they get that, but only in the context of what it has done for Black people. Quite frankly they need to come around, take the next step up and realize that we’re all in this democRAT shit together (not to abuse a phrase) and that when the country as a whole does better, EVERYONE does better! When everybody pulls together in the same direction that will happen and a productive, strong America is exactly what the democRATz in the National Socialist Party fear the most! People, no matter what color need to start realizing that!

  4. Let’s play a little role swap.
    Would this same guest vote for Candace Owens, solely on the basis of being a black female? And Candace is more “black” then CamelToe could ever dream of being.

  5. I thought the whore was white, until it was pointed out that she was supposed to be black – and I thought, WTF? Then I learned she is not only Indian, but her ancestors were gigantic slave owners.

  6. Hope is not lost. There are intelligent, black American men who stand for truth, justice and the American way. Yeah, rare as Superman, but enough to have an impact on the rampant ignorance in black communities.
    Change, good or bad start with men. Women will follow their lead. In this case, less emotion-led dimwit black women voting based on appearances instead of policies.

  7. I am voting against Kamala BECAUSE she is a black woman.

    If black folk voting based solely on race aren’t racist, then neither am I.


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