Woman uses self-checkout to steal more than $60K of items from same Target store over a year – IOTW Report

Woman uses self-checkout to steal more than $60K of items from same Target store over a year


A woman in California has been convicted of stealing over $60,000 worth of merchandise over a span of more than 100 visits to the same Target store in San Francisco, officials said.

Aziza Graves, a 43-year-old woman from San Francisco, allegedly entered the Target location at the Stonestown Galleria on dozens of occasions over the span of more than a year between Oct. 3, 2020 and Nov. 16, 2021, and managed to steal merchandise with a total value in excess of $60,000, according to a statement from the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office last Friday. more

28 Comments on Woman uses self-checkout to steal more than $60K of items from same Target store over a year

  1. When was the last time you went into a Target store? Thirty checkout lines, two people working them. And they have the nerve to complain about the Honor System not working? Welcome to Clown World.

  2. A while back, we were at an IKEA (don’t judge me) and the only checkout open was the self-checkout. 4 check stands, and 4 employees keeping an eye on everyone. What was the point of that? How does that save any money?

  3. A Walmart employee told me that our local Walmart had $80k in shrinkage every month. This is in a relatively rural area; that store could close its self-checkout and hire two or three extra cashiers and save tens of thousands of dollars.

  4. Rioters, Looters and Shoplifters (minimal exception) should be shot on sight. Maybe not to kill but..
    Shoplifting is known as shrinkage and is not borne by the store it is passed to the consumers.
    Having been a cashier for years, part time mostly, I never use the self checkout lanes if I can help it. Its like working off the clock, I would rather the store notice the lines. Rarely though does it take an inordinate amount of time.

  5. On my last trip to a WalMart, I had a cashier that was something else.
    She incorrectly rang up an item on the customer in front of me. If that happens, you have to go to the “Customer Service” desk to have it fixed.
    Well, the customer noticed it before the transaction was completed, pointed it out, and the cashier just took the item off and the customer got it for free. Wow!
    My turn comes up. I purchase my items, trying to follow the immensely tiny screen of my purchases. It all looked good. When I got home, I realized that she didn’t charge me for one item.
    This person allegedly “works” FOR the store!!
    How much would stuff cost if the damned store didn’t leak like a sieve?

  6. I remember working as a cashier at a “Drug Fair” back in the early 80’s. We had to actually look at each price “sticker” and punch it into the mechanical cash register. If there was a missing sticker we would yell into the intercom for one of the floor clerks to run around to find the price from another item on the shelf. There was a card on the register which told the correct tax to charge, up to $100….
    When the customer paid cash we actually had to “count up” from the total value to determine the correct change. How many “cashiers” could do that today???
    If the customer used a charge card we had to put it into a device and imprint the card ID number onto the charge receipt and then fill out the items on the slip and get the customer to sign it. We would typically put “misc items” on the slip, but would ask the customer if there was a particular high priced item they wanted recorded on it. Then the customer would sign the slip and we had to compare the signature to their card.
    We are truly headed to “Idiocracy” at a rapid pace…

  7. The sooner any and all stores that have had any part in promoting trans ing/grooming of children are run out of business the better. You folks are posting like she wasn’t doing her part to advance the public good.

  8. My first real job was at a K-Mart in 1983. I wasn’t a cashier but knew some and knew what they did. They had to read the tags, enter the price, tear a part of the tag and put it in an appropriate KEY slot (these were different categories of merchandise, the registers didn’t track that then so they did it like this), then look at the register tape and get payment. If the customer used a credit card they had to look at a PAPER fraud list (really big notebook thing), get the customer ID and compare to the card name, then put the card in an imprinter with a multi-carbon paper deal, drag the bar across it, then give it to the customer for signature, then compare the signature. After that they would tear all the various copies off the imprinted carbon sheaf, throw the carbon away in a special bin since it had a perfect imprint of the card number on it (they asked customers if they wanted the carbons for a time but quit because no one did), and put different copies in different places with one being stapled to the customer receipt.

    If the power went out a manager would get calculators out of stock and give them to the cashiers, and they’d keep selling by flashlights that were also taken from stock. They could do that because no part of the process required a computer to read, log, or communicate with anything. No scanner, no wand, nothing but the Mark 1 eyeball was used to get prices or enter them.

    It worked for a really long time too because they has long term employees who could actually math. They didn’t really go to hell as a company until they automated up and dumbed down, and I’m not entirely convinced that was a coincidence…

  9. When I was married I was told that if I could only come into Walmart if I didn’t say: Holy shit, what the fuck is that? I’ve seen shit in Walmart that the only other place I’ve seen anything like it had a pipe shoved up it’s ass and was on display at the Smithsonian.

  10. The Costco I worked at got some self service checkouts. The reason for that is that they amounted to the quick checkout lines. Employees using the self-checkout had to get their receipts checked and marked right there.

    They ended up having employees check out everybody, probably to speed the process. The difference between what Costco did and what, say, Walmart does is that Costco did it to speed things up by providing a quick way for small purchases to be run through quickly. My warehouse got the self check lines was because it was one on the most efficient warehouses for getting people checked out. Our manager had a policy of having ALL checkout lines staffed pretty much all the time.

    At the Home Depot and the Lowe’s in our area now, you are lucky to even see a cashier. It seems silly to save money on staff but losing it in pilferage. Walmarts also has just this side of a SWAT team ready to pounce on people.

  11. @SNS
    I did that whole credit card scenario when I worked at my first job at a car repair shop. My favorite part was comparing the numbers on the card to the fraud list.
    The first time I found one, I called the number on the booklet. The guy on the phone told me to cut the card up and mail it to them. I had to do that in front of the customer. I did it, and got $100 from the credit card company.
    You better believe I was checking every card after that! I ended up with 2 saves during my time at that job for a grand total of $200!

  12. Jethro, I remember the old credit card machines that you ran thru an imprinter with carbon paper in it so that the customer would get the original copy and we would get the secondary copy for our records, and we would discard the carbon copy in the trashcan. My dad used them at his gas station. The last time that I had to use one of those was about 15 years or so ago when I stopped at a gas station in Kamiah, Idaho to fuel up my work van and their satellite connection was on the fritz so they had to use the old credit card printer as a backup.

  13. WOW – Do your own checkout, will save companies millions
    AND Along with that:
    Gun control will reduce the number of shooting because criminals won’t have guns
    —- How Fucking Stupid can these people be?

    Was in Walmart the other day, there was only one checkout lane
    Everything else was self serve. The checkout lady told me they had to hire 5 people to watch over the self checks because of theft. She also told me there used to only be 3 check out lanes and nobody waited that long.
    I’ll self serve myself whenever they start giving me the 10% employee discount.

  14. I could also give correct change when a customer paid with cash and do it with a smile. If I hadn’t my dad would’ve kicked my ass for being an idiot. That was back when we had real customer service, something that is sorely missed now.

  15. @Jethro SUNDAY, 12 MAY 2024, 10:15 AT 10:15 AM
    Remember that paging system well. A young fellow in front of me had a box of condoms but there was no sticker on them. An older lady checking out grabbed the microphone and shouted ‘Need a price check on Trojan ENZ Lubricated’. I didn’t know a human could turn that bright of red. After he left, the checkout lady smiled at me and said ‘do you think he will ever step back in the store again’? she just kept giggling..

  16. I had that happen to me once when I was buying some condoms at my local Walgreen’s and the cashier did this and called for a price check over the PA system. Boy was I embarrassed. My wife just laughed at me later when I told her that and she told me that was something that could only happen to me.

  17. Simple Minded
    SUNDAY, 12 MAY 2024, 14:30 AT 2:30 PM
    @Jethro SUNDAY, 12 MAY 2024, 10:15 AT 10:15 AM
    “Remember that paging system well. A young fellow in front of me had a box of condoms but there was no sticker on them. An older lady checking out grabbed the microphone and shouted ‘Need a price check on Trojan ENZ Lubricated’. I didn’t know a human could turn that bright of red. After he left, the checkout lady smiled at me and said ‘do you think he will ever step back in the store again’? she just kept giggling..”

    …so next time that guy should have gone there and bought a pack of Trojan Magnum XL after making sure there was no price tag on them, and went to the same cashier.

    He’d probably have quite a female fan club before he left…

  18. Jethro
    SUNDAY, 12 MAY 2024, 10:15 AT 10:15 AM
    “I remember working as a cashier at a “Drug Fair” back in the early 80’s. We had to actually look at each price “sticker” and punch it into the mechanical cash register. If there was a missing sticker we would yell into the intercom for one of the floor clerks to run around to find the price from another item on the shelf.”

    …there were a lot of things I didn’t like about working at Sears, but ONE thing they got right was they used a bell paging system instead of a voice paging system. There was more variety, but it sounded something like this;


    …they didn’t want young people to be able to say whatever they wanted across 3 floors of stores, outdoor areas, and outbuildings, so the sequence and varied tones told specific people to pick up a house phone and dial in for the requested action. It seemed more elegant and probably saved them a TON of embarrassment.

    Like this…


  19. How much you wanna bet That instead of getting rid of self check outs and hiring cashiers, they hire security guads to harass honest costumers just trying to get in and out of the store quickly?

  20. When I shop I use one of those electric carts. Getting up and down is a bit of a challenge. When I get to the register if there are no cashiers, I walk away and leave the cart. Done it more than once.


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