Woman volunteers for gay impregnation – IOTW Report

Woman volunteers for gay impregnation

American Thinker—In what could be a storyline from a bad 1960s science fiction movie, women are volunteering to be impregnated by homosexuals so they can reproduce, something never intended by the laws of nature.

Bill Johnson and Kraig Wiedenfeld have been a couple for 18 years and married [sic] for four.  Everyone embraces warmly.

They’re an unlikely foursome: two gay men from the Upper East Side of New York and a small-town husband and wife who met when they both were 20 at a Dunkin’ Donuts.

By lunchtime, if all goes as planned, Christina Fenn will be pregnant with Johnson and Wiedenfeld’s son.

What kind of woman would agree to do this?  Christina is a woman who says she likes getting pregnant but not having kids, and she agrees to be impregnated only by homosexuals.  more here

26 Comments on Woman volunteers for gay impregnation

  1. Every day, I think more and more about this time in Israel’s past and how it is so true today here in America.

    “…every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25b)

  2. Word on the street is that Cuckolding is big among Freeattle & Protestland hipsters.

    I don’t get it, when I was in my 20’s I would fight any other dog that even tried to take a bite off of my plate.

  3. “She’s wary of heterosexual couples struggling with infertility.”

    What kind of BS is this? Why would one be wary of two normal people struggling to have a child? This woman is sick.

  4. Racer X,

    I was reading Nathanson’s book recently: The Hand of God, and he makes reference to the kicks these types get when they even think they are destroying taboos.

    Narcissistic personality disorder is what motivates a lot of, if not most of this crap.

  5. I’ve always been uncomfortable with sperm and egg donors. This is just another reason to make it even more uncomfortable. I just don’t think God will view any of this in a good light.

  6. With the possible exception for the “gays only” rule hasn’t this been going on for years? Cash is usually the incentive and any woman who is renting out her womb and selling an egg isn’t likely to be put off by the buyers being gay. Not sure what the story is.

  7. CZAR

    I think the progressive/leftist GOP man(?) from the Cornhusket State already has the CUCK plate.

    but again this liberal may have a “Go Big Red” plate and this CUCK probably has an Empire State plate; same name may be OK.

  8. @Chiggerbug: In deference to the feelings of the more sensitive members of our insect community, I really think you should consider changing your screen name to “Chegrobug”.

    For improved racial harmony.



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