Woman Who Confronted Hillary Clinton Over Rape Claims: My Kids Are Being Threatened – IOTW Report

Woman Who Confronted Hillary Clinton Over Rape Claims: My Kids Are Being Threatened

katherine prudhomme

“People told me, ‘Your political career is over. You’ll never get re-elected.’ I’m not sure I’ll run for re-election. I care more about this issue than my own political career. That’s what makes me different than Hillary Clinton.”

Breitbart: The New Hampshire state representative who confronted Hillary Clinton at a campaign stop over Bill Clinton’s alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick said that she is getting threats on her safety and the safety of her children. But she refuses to back down.

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7 Comments on Woman Who Confronted Hillary Clinton Over Rape Claims: My Kids Are Being Threatened

  1. Glad to see Shrillary is staying true to her roots and attacking the messenger rather than the offending behavior. My prayers to the woman who confronted the Hildebeast on her behavior. May God vrant her and her family protection.

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