Woman Who Flipped The Bird To Trump Motorcade Has Been Fired – IOTW Report

Woman Who Flipped The Bird To Trump Motorcade Has Been Fired

Daily Caller: The woman who posted a photo of herself giving the middle finger to President Donald Trump’s motorcade to social media has been fired from her job, The Huffington Post reports.

As Trump returned from the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Va., Sunday, Oct. 29, a woman later self-identified as Julie Briskman, made the rude gesture to the president’s motorcade twice as she was cycling on the same road.

According to the pool reporter on duty that day, “POTUS’s motorcade departed the Trump National Golf Club at 3.12pm, passing two pedestrians, one of whom gave a thumbs-down sign. Then it overtook a female cyclist, wearing a white top and cycling helmet, who responded by giving the middle finger.”

“The motorcade had to slow and the cyclist caught up, still offering the finger, before turning off in a different direction. Motorcade is now gathering speed and heading for DC.”

At the time, Briskman was working for Akima LLC, a Virginia-based company that holds several government contracts, doing marketing and communications work. As the photo went viral with users calling her a “heroine,” Briskman’s bosses called her into a meeting Tuesday and gave her the bad news.  more here

40 Comments on Woman Who Flipped The Bird To Trump Motorcade Has Been Fired

  1. The worst thing I ever did when obummer was at a venue I was at was to turn my back, this kind of foolishness is over the top and if done by my employee, even to obummer would be canned as well.

    It’s the office stupid.

  2. She got fired, publicly, for doing something ridiculous, publicly, doing something that could affect her employer’s business, publicly. But SHE feels better about herself. LOL. That 1 minute effort was worth losing her career over. And to think, Trump may not have even been in that particular motorcade. Even 0bama knew to have decoy vehicles. lol

  3. Being a “heroine” for the progressive/socialists doesn’t pay well, unless you work for Soros or Hillary.

    As Pelosi mentioned a few years ago, Miss Briskman can now pursue art, basket weaving, cycling and other interests while collecting benefits from the government, paid for by working Americans.

  4. She’ll have another job before the day’s out.
    CBS, CNN, MSLSD, ABC, Soros, Clinton Globaloney Initiative, Academia, Microsoft, Kellogg, IKEA … somebody will pick her up.
    Socialist, Stooge, Bicycler, Poor Judgment, Knee-Jerk Thoughtlessness … what could be better?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The scene inThe Beast:
    -Trump: “Who’s that woman? I want her head in a plate on my desk tomorrow morning.”
    -Secret Service, bowing: “Yes, master! Shall be done as you ordered.”
    -Trump: “No. Better yet, take her picture and post on her Facebook. Ivan, you know how to do that. Now bring my two scoops of ice cream!”

  6. That’s the whole problem with northern Virginia/DC swamp monsters. They feel entitled and undermine the will of the people. She’ll be working for some other blood sucking government contractor soon.

  7. Now the taxpayer and the business gets to pay unemployment for this maroon.
    The company should have made her offer a sincere public apology or be demoted.
    If she did, OK, if she refused and quit, win-win.
    Personally, would have fired the bitch.

  8. She said…”I’m thinking he’s at that damned golf course again”….How many rounds of golf did Obama play? I’m thinking 20 a year for 8 years….160 or more…

  9. Why do people ‘break the law’ or do something really asinine and post it to social media?
    I would never think of using any type of social media it’s a trap.
    Is this considered social media?

  10. I have to admit that if I’d ever had the opportunity to say something impolite¹ to Barky knowing I’d be fired from my job if I went ahead and did it, that I’d have had to exercise a significant degree of restraint not to do it. I’m 99% certain I’d have kept my mouth shut, but not 100%.

    1. Such as, “GO $#@% YOURSELF, YOU COLLECTIVIST PIECE OF $)@$!”

  11. My take is that Social Media has become like free Rat Control bait traps for clueless Leftists.

    They take the bait. They’re surprised at the outcome. Problem solved.

  12. Aaaaand she’s a Methodist Sunday school teacher.
    She was a participant at the anti Trump pussy hat rally carrying a NOT MY PRESIDENT sign.

    She’s quite mannish to boot.

  13. Typical idiot democrats… She probably thought when she got to work that everyone would applaud. That’s how they always imagine their obnoxious gestures will be greeted by others. They have no clue how sick and tired people are of this sophomoric bullshit.

  14. As much as I hate to say it, because I totally disagree with the dingy twit…but I really don’t think she should have lost her job.

    She shouldn’t have posted the stunt to f-book, but she wasn’t on her company’s time when she flipped the bird, was she?

    At the most she should have written up.

  15. @kat

    Chances are her employer already didn’t like or appreciate her. People like that create a toxic work environment. Wife works with a person like that. Mean spirited, combative, incompetent Hillary supporter. Dumb as a box of rocks but has a very high opinion of herself.

    Employer was just waiting for the opportunity.

  16. I’m with Uncle Al. Many is the time I flipped off the T V when ever Barky or the Hildabeast came on. Oh heck, EVERY time a Lib/Prog came on. Pretty mature of me wasn’t it?

  17. didnt obomba flip off romney in a debate? And obomba was rehired.
    But, if i knew obomba was driving by i’d hop off that dam bike and moon the bastard. But he’d probably stop

  18. When Obama came to the area to speak at West Point I received a frantic call from my husband. “Where are you? Please tell me you are not along the side of the road with an ‘Impeach Obama’ sign.” Lol

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