Woman Who Wanted To Join Isis And Marry ‘Jihadi John’ Is Jailed For Four And A Half Years – IOTW Report

Woman Who Wanted To Join Isis And Marry ‘Jihadi John’ Is Jailed For Four And A Half Years

Ah, what red-blooded ISIS man could resist a handsome woman with such a lovely mustache? I say, Let Her Go!

IndependentUK: Zafreen Khadam was found to be spreading terrorist propaganda using 15 social media accounts.

The North East Counter Terrorism Unit (NECTU) said the 32-year-old had openly supported Isis and had told friends she wanted to marry Mohammed Emwazi, the British militant labeled Jihadi John after he appeared in several videos beheading Western hostages.


(*Muslim Bride Halloween Costume)

The head of NECTU, Detective Chief Superintendent Clive Wain, said his officers had reviewed hundreds of hours of video and thousands of social media posts where Khadam openly expressed her admiration for Isis’s extremist ideology and said she was planning to go to Syria.   more

h/t Blazing Cat Fur

14 Comments on Woman Who Wanted To Join Isis And Marry ‘Jihadi John’ Is Jailed For Four And A Half Years

  1. oh, man, they are gonna be SOOOOO peaced when all their 72 virgins look like this…..

    no, wait….maybe not…..at least it’s not a virgin goat……

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