Women’s March Imploding: ‘Not All Women Have Female Reproductive Parts’ – IOTW Report

Women’s March Imploding: ‘Not All Women Have Female Reproductive Parts’

Breitbart: The main event for the second anti-Trump Women’s March in Washington, DC, is still on, but cancellations of “sister” marches continue to pile up amid charges that the leadership is anti-Semitic.

So far, marches are canceled in Chicago, New Orleans, Washington state, and California, with the latter now defending itself after claiming one of the reasons it halted the event was too many white people were involved.

The Times-Standard in Northern California reported on the canceled march in the mostly white Humboldt County:

“After meeting periodically for several months, it became clear we were lacking a leadership group that properly represented our community,” event organizer Allison Edrington told the Times-Standard.

Beyond race, the organizers determined that event leadership didn’t include enough gender nonbinary people. Not all women have female reproductive parts, Edrington said.

As Breitbart News reported in December the Washington state chapter of Women’s March disbanded because of the anti-Semitic leadership controversy:

The statement from the California Women’s March chapter comes just days after the Chicago chapter announced it would not continue with its plans to have a 2019 rally commemorating the national group’s third-anniversary march. The Chicago chapter cited high costs and insufficient volunteer hours as the reasoning behind the cancellation of the event.

The Advocate reported on the New Orleans chapter of the National Organization of Women’s (NOW) March’s cancellation: MORE

14 Comments on Women’s March Imploding: ‘Not All Women Have Female Reproductive Parts’

  1. you mean a bunch of screeching harpies loosely organized by a radical delusional anti-sematic feminist cannot agree on who or what to include in their platform? Who would have ever thought that they would come to this.

  2. This needs the two buttons meme.

    Choice 1: Not all women have reproductive organs.

    Choice 2: Men have no say on womens reproductive rights.

    Somewhat related, I’ve mentioned that my work is a cesspool of PC nonsense. I was going to be tapped for a leadership role in a Latino group because of my prior participation and so few Latinos/Latinas wanted the extra work. I explained that I would be accused of racism if I recommended what they did. If I recommend tacos and empanadas for Hispanic Heritage month with a steering committee of crackers it would not look the same.

  3. …could it be that the SANE women among them could be coming to the truth at last?

    Is it finally dawning on the gals that the deranged dudes will take EVERY…SINGLE…THING from them, ending there being ANYTHING special about being a lady?

    That dudes in dresses will will ALL the awards, from Hollywood for being the cause célèbre of the moment, to all sports where stronger men are, well, stronger and will ALWAYS beat the females due to their male bodies, with or without penises?

    That they will lose job and college gender-specific opportunities where EEOC-sensitive recruiters can check TWO boxes (no pun intended) with a made-up man while they only get ONE with an honest lady?

    That the dude they let in the bathroom with them TODAY, being mentally ill, may well be their rapist TOMORROW? Or their DAUGHTER’S rapist?


    That all this is just too high a price to pay for a very disturbed .000001% of the population?

    …let’s pray that it is so…

  4. In other words, minority women are either A) too busy busting their butts earning a living to care about this bullshit, or B) on welfare and not going to come off the couch without the jaws of life.
    They’d have the same problem with most White women, but now there’s now a critical mass of them that are so pampered that pronouns are actually the biggest concern in their lives.

  5. It is a marvel of a cultural vacuum that has allowed unreasoning, reflexive, delusional and rancid notions gain such as these (and this post covers only a few of them) to have gained traction to this point.

    I can’t pay any more attention to individual events. I just stick my head up enough to note the general trendlines. That which cannot continue will not, and I mean to minimize contact with the fallout. Keep your children and grandchildren close if you can.

  6. @Supernightshade January 7, 2019 at 9:45 am

    > …could it be that the SANE women among them could be coming to the truth at last?

    Stop! STOP! I’m gonna… too late.

  7. They can’t decide if they want to march over their victimhood or march over their domination of education, publishing, corporate America, family courts, human resources, public relations, gov’t bureaucracy and law.

    Victim or victor? Hmm..

  8. Although, it might just make me sexist, liberal women are as a dumb as a box of rocks and pretty damn hypocritical as well. Allow men dressed as men and support men dressed as women then leftist women lose all their holding cards. Don’t allow pretend women in and then you can be sexist or whatever that would be like us conservative women and men.
    It’s just as dumb and hypocritical as their argument men should have no say in abortion and the government needs to stay out of it, but those damn bastards better send those checks if she keeps the kid and the damn government best get involved and force them too.

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