Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour FURIOUS Trump Bombed ISIS, Tweets Article About Bombing NYC – IOTW Report

Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour FURIOUS Trump Bombed ISIS, Tweets Article About Bombing NYC

American Lookout:

[…] The New York Post reports some background on this hateful Islamist:

Women’s March co-organizer Linda Sarsour said in her speech to a Jewish Voice for Peace conference in Chicago on Sunday that she’s “providing a service . . . that I’m allowing the Jewish community to have the real hard conversation that it always needed to be having” about whether it should support Israel.

Thanks! Let me return the favor and encourage Sarsour to have a hard conversation about how she is preaching hatred while claiming to be fighting for equality, and putting women down while saying she’s trying to lift them up.

The Brooklyn-born Sarsour, daughter of Palestinian immigrants, shared the dais Sunday with another darling of the feminist “resistance,” Rasmea Odeh — convicted in Israel of killing two Hebrew University students in a 1969 terrorist attack and of planning an attack on the British Consulate. After her release, Odeh was able to immigrate to the United States by hiding her crime. She’s now being deported to Jordan.  more here

21 Comments on Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour FURIOUS Trump Bombed ISIS, Tweets Article About Bombing NYC

  1. That map showing a mile radius in lower Manhattan if MOAB struck there was a nice touch.
    A) muzzie goat enthusiasts don’t have the technology
    B) population density between NYC and ISIS outpost isn’t comparable
    C) if the dead ISIS monsters were deployed in lower manhattan the body count would be much higher than we racked up in that bomb blast.

  2. This shouldn’t be coming as a surprise. The Palestinians have been taught lies for generations all the way back to pre 1947. In school, on TV, the radio, the newspapers, in speeches everywhere one would look for information a Palestinian was taught lies. They were taught that Israel was the root of all their troubles and once they were destroyed then everything would be fine. They were taught with puppet shows that to kill a Jew would be doing a service to the state. They were taught to disregard what aids infected butchers like Arafat said to the west just to listen when he talked to you. in this crazy bitch’s case she has been brought to this point by her parents, by the schools she went to, by her elders, by all the people a child should trust. There is no hope for her now. She’s one speech away from strapping on a suicide vest and heading to Sak’s. Maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll emigrate to Jordon or someplace where she’ll find out that after Jews, the Palestinians are the most hated people in the muddle east.

  3. How ironic that the”feminist” movement has been infiltrated by and welcomed the most female repressive ideology in the world/history.

    And BLM is being run by muzzies who still sell slaves.

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