Word Salad Kamala – IOTW Report

Word Salad Kamala

Patriot Retort:

I pointed out in the last post just how inarticulate Kamala Harris is when she is expected to speak.  Kamala’s extemporaneous speaking skills are non-existent.  She is the queen of the Word Salad.  Sure, she uses lots of words when she speaks, but really, there’s no meat to them.

Kamala Harris is proof that it’s possible to utter a lot of words without saying a damn thing.

But it isn’t just when Kamala speaks off the cuff that she tosses out a word salad.  Her prepared remarks are just bad.

I happened across a Buzzfeed article about Kamala Harris and her desperate flailing to become a “top tier candidate” that quotes from her prepared remarks at the Iowa Steak Fry.

And, boy, howdy. Prepare yourself for the word salad stylings of the bottom tier candidate from California. READ HERE

21 Comments on Word Salad Kamala

  1. I am impressed with Kamala’s impressive accomplishments, which consist of impressive things that she has done in an impressive way and which have potential impressive future ramifications if one discounts the impressive potential negative after effects which are not as impressive as Kamala Harris.

  2. Ha! Dianny, when I worked scoring student essays, we used to say that students who wrote ‘word salad’ essays “swallowed a dictionary”. Never, ever would those types of essays, though impressive looking at six typewritten pages, receive more than a 1 (on a 0-5 scale).

    We had to search hard to find even one sentence that made sense, much less that was constructed properly. It took more time reading those papers than it did a well-written paper. That was mostly due to the fact that we couldn’t believe, in all those words, there wasn’t a complete thought we might have missed.

  3. Wyatt, since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, you are Orange Man Bad!

    “Furthermore, if we examine the extigent nature of Republicans’ hostile projections toward the Democratic Party and the American people in general, particularly as it affects the poor in America’s big cities and some small, all-white towns (needless to say, they can be ignored) along with rural America where Democrats hardly ever can get a word in edgewise at town hall meetings and such, we find that they are over confident in their ostentatious presentations of America’s so called ‘greatness’ as it applies to people in those communities who are clearly suffering from being bombarded by too much First Amendment discussion of the Second Amendment.”

    Wait. She might actually say that. Okay, I’m no good at this.

  4. has anyone noticed that she IS hillary 2.0, right down to the word salad, constipated sour look that is supposed to pass for a smile and that hideous cackle… she unlikable, unrelateable and fugly, just like ol’hill…..

  5. let me try ….

    to solve the problems of this country we must be willing to face the problems, not necessarily seen as problems by the those that cannot see the problems, but by confronting the problems of those that cannot admit they have problems, versus those that see the problem, but cannot confront the problems due to problems within themselves. we must all be willing to admit we have problems, whether individually or in a collective problem sense. the problems may, or may not be our own, but they are problems none the less. a problems must be solved, or not. frankly, I don’t see whether or not we completely have a problem, but there might be a problem with that thinking, because thinking doesn’t fix the problem as much as doing something about the problem. so don’t think, do as you’re told, because doing fixes the problem. … you’re welcome.

    … maybe I should run for office … cause my diarrhea of the mouth sure is running


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