Worker “Verifies” Signatures in Less Than 2 Seconds Per Signature – IOTW Report

Worker “Verifies” Signatures in Less Than 2 Seconds Per Signature

WATCH: Shocking Video Shows Maricopa County’s Fraudulent Signature Verification – Worker “Verifies” Signatures in LESS THAN 2 Seconds Per Signature.’

The employee does not even appear to be looking at the signatures, but instead, clicking the mouse and accepting them at a rapid speed of close to one second each. This one individual verified almost 27,000 signatures in total.

6 Comments on Worker “Verifies” Signatures in Less Than 2 Seconds Per Signature

  1. Watch. The definition of “verified” will suddenly be changed with no warning while everyone is distracted with something else. Redefining language to suit their agenda is what the left does.

  2. This example is a tiny pin prick. Similar to the first drops falling from the ceiling; before the whole thing comes down (true story from Honolulu).
    So here we have all these little episodes of voting fraud. But dear fellow IOTW readers, what is the BIG story? What is the goal?
    As this constant insanity continues my theory drifts toward the “Reset” idea. There is plenty of evidence that humanity has periodic resets. And these may happen more frequently. Every nutty thing at once sure feels like that.
    Pick the topic and any reasonable thought shows the correct direction. Ukie Land, get out. Immigration? fence and deport. Trans? Leave the kids alone. Budget? default and no more debt. Big government? fire them all. Military? defense only. Schools? private only. Energy? thorium reactors. Prisons? Violent only and make them work.
    But every single thing is going the opposite. Cannot all be by accident.


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