World Economic Forum: Gas Prices Must Go Even Higher — to Save Democracy – IOTW Report

World Economic Forum: Gas Prices Must Go Even Higher — to Save Democracy


The World Economic Forum (WEF) released a position paper Monday that inexorably links two claimed global crises as one – “climate change” and the “decline of democracy.”

It says fighting the former can save the latter as long as consumers stop burning coal, oil, and gas in exchange for green renewables.

The WEF paper argues for the past 15 years, democracy has been in decline worldwide. To protect and promote freedom, “leading democracies must strengthen their economies and safeguard liberty.”

It goes on to say ignoring progress toward a “low-carbon economy could put democracies in greater economic peril, not less” while repeating the broader demand of environmental activists for companies to stop investing fossil fuels. more

23 Comments on World Economic Forum: Gas Prices Must Go Even Higher — to Save Democracy

  1. “leading democracies must strengthen their economies and safeguard liberty.”

    That would imply energy independence and a focus on RELIABLE energy sources — that is, non-“green” energy, like coal, oil, or nuclear, and NOT wind or solar. It would also mean NOT buying energy from countries whose values are not aligned with your own (cough cough * RUSSIA * cough cough), and who are also capable of cutting you off from that energy should it become expedient for them to do so.

  2. Democracy is a ravening beast.

    And the WEF doesn’t give a flying fuck about Democracy, Freedom, Liberty, Justice, or any other philosophical concerns. The WEF is a group of greedy, megalomaniacal, nihilistic, totalitarian, Princes of Satan, would-be Dictators of Earth.

    The WEF is a cancer – it must be excised – burnt – destroyed utterly – so that not even Satan can put the ashes back together.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. ^ Hey, we’re at 8 Billion now. The $64(B) question is, how do you kill a couple of Billion without throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Select the best answer:

    [A] Crash the economy and let people starve.
    [B] Pandemic with 30% mortality rate.
    [C] WAR!
    [D] All of the above.

  4. Jethro captured the essence of the left. ‘Obey us or lose your freedoms.’ A friend, ardent socialist, responded to my comment that socialism doesn’t work and has never worked with ‘But if everyone just went along it would work fine.’ I was nonplussed to say the least.

  5. @Chumlee July 12, 2022 at 3:02 pm

    > And who said democracy is worth saving?

    Illionaire necropædos. Who were given illions. To rule over those that worship democracy. By those that rule democracy.

  6. @ Dr. Hambone

    Never going to happen. Gun free zones are for children and peasants. Elites may not like us having guns but they are well protected by men carrying guns.

  7. @mod July 12, 2022 at 7:43 pm

    > Never going to happen. Gun free zones are for children and peasants. Elites may not like us having guns but they are well protected by men carrying guns.

    Men who go home. To sleep safely among the peasants. Who watch over the gunmen’s children during the day. To keep them safe.

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