World Economic Forum Promotes Plan To Block The Sun’s Rays With ‘Space Bubbles’ – IOTW Report

World Economic Forum Promotes Plan To Block The Sun’s Rays With ‘Space Bubbles’

Or the WEF morons can all climb into a rocket and aim themselves towards the Sun.
They can take one for the team IF they’re serious. 🙄

National File: The World Economic Forum (WEF) is promoting a plan to block the Sun using “space bubbles,” supposedly to combat “climate change.” Blocking the sun is a major globalist plot that Bill Gates has been involved in. If the globalists manage to block or dim the Sun’s rays, how will humanity be affected? This is the question that America’s empty-suit quisling political leaders do not seem to be asking with any kind of urgency. Meanwhile, Klaus Schwab’s WEF and other globalist entities seem determined to block the Sun, which cartoon villain Mr. Burns unsuccessfully tried to do on The Simpsons.

A disturbing video shared by WEF states that “MIT scientists say ‘space bubbles’ could help reverse climate change by reflecting the Sun’s heat away from Earth.” The video refers to this process as “geoengineering.” The video explains that “The bubbles would be manufactured in space by robots” and “They would form a ‘raft’ about the size of Brazil. more here

30 Comments on World Economic Forum Promotes Plan To Block The Sun’s Rays With ‘Space Bubbles’

  1. Do they have a backup plan in case their tech doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to?

    Silly me. Of course not.

    I say we take half of the globalist elite and use them as a source of the lipid nanoparticles needed to make mutagenic injections to turn the other half of the elites into newts.

  2. @Anonymous SubPrime — I vehemently agree about Gates. Unfortunately, though, he just declared he was going to leave (almost?) all his wealth to his foundation, which is run by screaming progs. This is a Very Bad Thing.

  3. Currently approaching solar maximum, when the Sun does all kinds of weird shit.
    Solar max activity is what causes Carrington events.
    What happens during a solar maximum? Every 11 years the Sun’s magnetic cycle ramps up into overdrive. At the height of this cycle, known as solar maximum, the Sun’s magnetic poles flip. Along the way, changes in the Sun’s magnetism produce a greater number of sunspots, more energy and cause solar eruptions of particles.

  4. lol these f—king people are dangerously stupid. Stop giving them grants.

    “Laboratory experiments suggested that every ton of iron added to the ocean could remove 30,000 to 110,000 tons of carbon from the air. Early climate models hinted that intentional iron fertilization across the entire Southern Ocean could erase 1 to 2 billion tons of carbon emissions each year—10 to 25 percent of the world’s annual total.”,to%2025%20percent%20of%20the%20world’s%20annual%20total.

  5. Thirdtwin
    JULY 20, 2022 AT 12:39 PM

    …we added a lot of iron to the ocean fighting dictators during WWII, so much so that the Slot near Guadalcanal is nicknamed “Iron Bottom Sound” for all the warships sunk there.

    It’s a good reminder that, sooner or later, the price of freedom is paid in blood.


    Those sailors contrbuted the iron in their blood to those oceans too, as did airmen, soldiers, and marines.

    At some point, we will have to mingle it with our own.

    Or be slaves forever.

    They chose wisely.

    Will WE?

  6. They hate God because He’s God and they ain’t.
    So they try to play god by oppressing humanity, destroying civilization, harmony, decency, and by attempting to do god-like things to the Earth.

    They do not fear death; they fear the revelation of the Living God.

    We must help them to that revelation.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Take WEF, and all liberals for that matter, launch into space, then let them burn up on re-entry, creating dust to block that mean old sun’s rays..ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

  8. Well, cool. Now our robot overlords (once AI really kicksin) will have a nice diversion from harvesting us for their needed resources. I can see it now. Robots frolicking in space with giant bubble wands, making bubbles. I guess it’s true, everyone loves bubbles. Wheee!!

  9. Do these numbskulls have any idea how many people die from cold each year? Thought so.
    I live up north, Canaduh,Spend a lot of time in Northern Ontario sleeping in the outdoors.Have a sleeping bag rated to -40 c which equates to -40 f. That puppy weighs in at 28 pounds but can also be used as a duvet when at home in the suburbs of Toronto.
    And they want to block the sun,as Billy would say “fuck off and die”

  10. They’re deliberately trying to cause a climate crisis; not stop one. Imagine having to pay a fee to get sunlight. All these Davos fuckers should be impaled Vlad Dracula style and for the same reason.

  11. Who is paying for this boatload if B.S.
    you can bet Biden will offer a few trillion dollars of our money. Contracts will go to friends of dems and it will just be a big money laundering op.
    And the rich will get richer.

  12. A most ridiculous and potentially very deadly scheme. If they implement this hare-brained concept, the WEF will find a way to survive underground or some such escape while the rest of us perish from, perhaps, freezing temperatures or God knows what. We must remember that billions of humans are to the WEF, garbage producers and polluters. Humanity itself is their enemy.

    Other than that, I can’t comprehend it, and have no words to describe my deep suspicion of the WEF and the insane scientists who come up with these ideas.

  13. Morally speaking, this is not much different than Hitler’s obsession with making Germany a pure Aryan society. I have probably broken most, if not all, of the Ten Commandments in my time, but I can still recognize extreme evil.

    The WEF may not pick on any minority, just the entire human race except for a few of the enlightened. All towards fixing a non-existent problem.


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