World Health Organization zero draft pandemic treaty pushes for increased surveillance powers – IOTW Report

World Health Organization zero draft pandemic treaty pushes for increased surveillance powers

RTN: The World Health Organization (WHO) has released the latest zero draft of its international pandemic treaty which will give the unelected global health agency new sweeping surveillance powers if passed.

The treaty requires the WHO’s 194 member states (which represent 98% of all the countries in the world) to strengthen the WHO’s “One Health surveillance systems.”

One Health is a WHO system that aims to “optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems” and “uses the close, interdependent links among these fields to create new surveillance and disease control methods.” more

9 Comments on World Health Organization zero draft pandemic treaty pushes for increased surveillance powers

  1. Using the fear of Covid is their excuse for the surveillance they want to install. Monitoring people’s health is not what they are after; control over everybody is what they want.


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