World Surf League to Allow ‘Male-Bodied’ Individuals to Compete Against Women – IOTW Report

World Surf League to Allow ‘Male-Bodied’ Individuals to Compete Against Women

I think many of the girls currently on tour are not in support with this new tule and they fear being ostracized if they speak up…so, here I go.

15 Comments on World Surf League to Allow ‘Male-Bodied’ Individuals to Compete Against Women

  1. For those that have not seen the movie Soul Surfer, I highly recommend it. The struggles Bethany endured both physically and spiritually after her accident, the cohesion of her family in support, and the tenacity of this woman, truly remarkable and very heartwarming.

    Related, ESPN is starting another channel, ESPNW, a sports channel devoted exclusively to women’s sports. I wholeheartedly welcome it, anything to get weak boring women’s sports off of the regular ESPN, yea.

    Of course, I feel sorry for the real women that wish to compete but woke ideology has ruined everything else, now they are part of the collateral damage.

  2. Why don’t all these stupid “WOKE” sports leagues merely start off by creating two new categories that are more sportingly fair and more realistically competitive when competing against each other? Such as:

    One for transgender males (sissies, pansies, Nancies, etc., of the limp-wristed, cross-dressing variety); and,

    Another for transgender females (of the bull-dyke variety).

    From there, these “Woke” sports leagues can create even more sub-categories to encompass the full spectrum of sexual deviancy, insanity, and sexual mental illness (as needed).

  3. The solution is ohhhso easy makes me laugh when I think about it….women need to refuse to enter the contests…all the women…when it effects the bottom line whaaalaaa! If the men had any testosterone they would refuse too enter their meets also…It would be amazing to watch how fast the rules change…but alas the competetor egos will forever keep this idiocy going…STOP talking about it…STOP complaining about it and do something worth doing!!!

  4. @kt “I wonder if dogs who can surf can compete as well.”

    I would watch that! Found a YT video of a dog surfing a break just inside SF Bay – dog had a flotation device on for ‘just in case’, was riding a longboard – good stability. An excellent rider by the way.

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