Worst case Ontario: Heating or eating – IOTW Report

Worst case Ontario: Heating or eating


In the past two years, my provincial and federal taxes have increased. I lost my federal tax credit for my children’s soccer and swimming lessons. Our family’s child care tax credit has decreased. Even the cost to renew my vehicle licence went up. I have just started paying more for gasoline thanks to a provincial tax on carbon. (The Canadian Taxpayers Federation estimates the cost of all carbon taxes to cost the average Canadian family an extra $2,569 per year in five years).

Did I mention that my electrical bill went up again?

That’s a lot more dollars for governments, on top of the thousands of dollars I already pay in taxes each year. And I’m just one guy. You’re paying a lot more in taxes too. Your diesel bill this year isn’t going to be pretty. And as a Hydro One customer, you’re paying the most expensive rate for power in North America — and we’re an energy-rich nation. It’s like New Zealanders paying the most money for kiwis.

The average Canadian family has an annual income of $108,600 and last year paid $46,000 in taxes to all levels of government. There are 17 million people who file a tax return each year. That’s a pile of money — too large in fact for me to really grasp what it can all pay for.

Consider just the more than $10 billion raked in last year in new money for both the federal and provincial Liberal governments. I’d really like to know how that money was spent. What service improved? Honestly, what new and nifty public benefit are we getting?

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16 Comments on Worst case Ontario: Heating or eating

  1. @AC:

    Frankly, if it comes to cannibalism, you should probably eat the socialists/communists first.

    The fat ones are slower and easier to run down.
    The skinny ones are probably tough and stringy anyway.
    You’ll need ketchup. Lots and lots of ketchup.

  2. When the current Premier of Ontario ran for office she had a two point platform (well four actually id you count the fact she was a woman and a lesbian). Anyway, she was following in the steps of Dalton McGuinty who pretty well had to resign after screwing up so many things and having so many scandals there was a palpable hate on for the man so he skipped town. His successor went to the electorate with two messages. The first was she was too junior to be involved with all the scandals and screwups and the second was that she was a seasoned senior politician who knew how to get things done. The people in Ontario bought it and re-elected the Liberal Party and things have continued to bobsled to hell since. On a per capita basis our financial situation is worse then California’s and we have way less ability or resources to rebound than they do. Then we elect a pretty boy for Prime Minister who promised a few years of small deficits then it gets announced that Federal government spending deficits will be in the tens of billions per year and last for years. I’m beginning to think that you have to pass a test and own property in order to vote. Hell, we have some pretty strong voter identity laws but we still let morons into the booth.

  3. canucks in AZ were converting cars to cana-bucks at barrett jackson. “that went for 120000, that’d 160000 canadian’. You and your socialism.
    Grateful we got a Trump to stop our socialist agenda, maybe you can get one too.

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