Worst Political Cartoons: The Ferguson Edition – IOTW Report

Worst Political Cartoons: The Ferguson Edition

As sure as the streets of Ferguson, MO were turned into a disaster area by looters, ugly and stupid political cartoons were generated on the left to make themselves feel justified for the destruction.

Truth Revolt has started a collection of the worst, but just to help you keep your last meal down, they include some more accurate political cartoons as well.

The Ugly, the Bad and the Good





14 Comments on Worst Political Cartoons: The Ferguson Edition

  1. I think Santy Claus has taken too many goodies to all the inner cities.

    Time for the ferals to stand on their own.

    “No phone, no lights, no motorcar …
    not a single luxury …”

  2. @ Tim

    I think you’re correct. Back in the late sixties I volunteered with my Jr. Woman’s Club at a toy give-away to the “impoverished.” Many, many comers didn’t dress “impoverished.” Our club said, forget it for the next few years.

    This was in a community of steel mills and near full employment – to the point that the mills eagerly employed even summer student employees, and were happy to temporarily employ Mexicans when busloads came in and our HR staff went to actively recruit men from the south. (I know, I helped process them.) There was little to no reason for so many “impoverished” in need of toys and goodies. p.s. Demo run city and county

  3. “Anybody here seen my old friend Travon Martin?
    Can you tell me where he’s gone?
    He beat up & robbed a lot of people, but the punks they die young,
    Can you tell me where he’s gone?

    Anybody here seen my old friend Michael Brown?
    Can you tell me where the Gentle Giant’s gone?
    He beat up & robbed a lot of people, but the thugs they die young,
    Can you tell me where he’s gone?…..”

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