Would you eat test tube steak? – IOTW Report

Would you eat test tube steak?

CFP: Actor and environmental virtue-signaler Leonardo DiCaprio recently invested an undisclosed amount in Israeli alternative meat startup Aleph Farms, a maker of cultivated meat that grows steaks from modified cattle cells, according to an announcement on Wednesday. more

20 Comments on Would you eat test tube steak?

  1. The same people who won’t touch G-MODIFIED-O vegetables, they have to be all organic, are the same goons that will eat modified cattle cells and inject themselves with modified RNA. And insist that you do too!! clown world.

  2. We had a nutjob vegetarian sister show up with a Tofurkey one Thanksgiving. They raved about how it was so delicious, then like the fucking Costco Apple Pie the bastards refused to leave with the leftovers and left the Goddamn thing for me to deal with. The dogs wouldn’t even eat the Goddamn thing.

    The rule now is: If you show up at my home w/a copy of A Christmas Story DVD, a Costco apple pie or any vegetarian meat substitute expect to be thrown off the property with my boot in your ass. For what it’s worth, the dogs would eat the Costco Apple Pie including the pieces with one bite left around the table, but I wouldn’t dare give it to them. Enough sugar in one slice to send them into diabetic shock.

  3. I would eat it and more power to them. They are not modifying cells, they are cloning them. I suppose they could modify them, but to what end? Some Greenies like the idea because it provides meat without cruelty to an animal, with the added benefit of producing far less greenhouse gasses (not that I care}. There are processes now that can make thin sheets of meat that can be used to make hamburger or “pink slime” that can be made into various lunch meats. If the choice is vegemite or cultured meat, which will you choose? It’s good to know the technology is there, if we ever get to the point that we can no longer meet demand using more natural means.

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