Wounded U.S. Marine Breaks Down as He Recalls Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal and Kabul Airport Bombing – IOTW Report

Wounded U.S. Marine Breaks Down as He Recalls Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal and Kabul Airport Bombing


United States Marine Tyler Justin Vargas-Andrews broke down in tears during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing as he recalled the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and the Kabul airport bombing that left him grievously wounded and killed his mentor and friend.

It was the first hearing by House Republicans to examine the withdrawal that happened under the Biden administration’s watch and led to 13 service members killed — the highest casualty count for U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 10 years.

Vargas-Andrews said he and other Marines at the airport’s Abbey Gate actually spotted a man who fit the description of a possible suicide bomber before the bombing, and requested permission to kill him but were not given orders to shoot. more

5 Comments on Wounded U.S. Marine Breaks Down as He Recalls Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal and Kabul Airport Bombing

  1. I am so glad that you posted this. I watched it this morning on Revolver website, that was 2 hours ago, and I’m still pissed off. Watching those dem congressmen listening to the story, and acting like they were bored to death, such assholes.

  2. And…
    We know who is directly and deliberately responsible for these and many other deaths of Americans maimed, murdered and/or have died from criminally imported fentanyl and other drugs.

    For this, America CANNOT forgive.


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