Wray: FBI Agents Involved In FISA Debacle Have Been Referred To Bureau’s Disciplinary Office – IOTW Report

Wray: FBI Agents Involved In FISA Debacle Have Been Referred To Bureau’s Disciplinary Office

…Where they will have fingers wagged at them and then they’ll be sent to bed without dessert. And the TV stays off!

Daily Caller: FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that the FBI agents involved in the surveillance of Carter Page who are still at the bureau have been referred to the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility for possible disciplinary action.

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Wray noted that most of the FBI officials who oversaw Crossfire Hurricane, which involved surveillance of Page, have left the bureau and are no longer subject to disciplinary review. He said the FBI personnel who worked on that probe and who still have jobs at the FBI are mostly line-level agents. read more

SNIP: I hope they are all cursed with eternal jock itch.

24 Comments on Wray: FBI Agents Involved In FISA Debacle Have Been Referred To Bureau’s Disciplinary Office

  1. Oh Shit.. Sternly-Worded Reprimands.

    “If I am given the honor of leading this agency, I will never allow the FBI’s work to be driven by anything other than the facts, the law, and the impartial pursuit of justice. Period.”—Joe Isuzu Wray

    Oh wait I just noticed…”””” *possible* disciplinary action “”””

    You are absolutely useless, Wtfray.

  2. This is tantamount to an admission that the entire operation is rotten to the very core. If it were rogue individuals and not the entire agency that is corrupt then this would not pass muster.

    It is what it is and the FBI has just admitted it’s illegitimacy. Disband it tomorrow Mr President and let the chips fall where they may.

  3. Recently a police officer was convicted of a DUI, a letter of reprimand, but keeps job, can have letter removed from his file after 1 year, by request.

    Government is total TRASH! You and I would lose our jobs and be UNDER EMPLOYED for the rest of our lives b/c we couldn’t pass the H.R. screening process, “Have you ever been convicted of a crime?”

    You answer yes, your resume goes in the garbage can, you say no, you later get fired for lying on your application.

    FBI agent quits and runs away, or stays and gets swatted with a rolled up newspaper.

    Time to secede, or bring back The Code of Hammurabi.

  4. Another farcical production produced by the democrats. The clown committee abuses time by directing questions at this human paperweight.
    Too bad it’s not fooling anyone, we’re onto the game.

  5. @JDHasty February 6, 2020 at 12:12 am

    > It is what it is and the FBI has just admitted it’s illegitimacy. Disband it tomorrow Mr President and let the chips fall where they may.

    Those chips that will fall in the pockets of “lifetime pensions”? (Because they were “guaranteed.”)

    Those chips that will fall in the pockets of “free health care”, for themselves and their entire families? Current and future? (Because they were “guaranteed.”)

    Those chips that will fall in the pockets of “immunity to depredations against The Second Amendment of The Bill of Rights”? (Because… reasons.)


    Boxcars. “Camps”. For themselves and everyone they’ve shared genetic material or bank accounts with.

  6. He also asserted that he will accept whatever discipline OPR recommends.

    So when the explicitly nameless apparatchiks… whose job is to make sure nobody makes the Party bureau look bad… says “mistakes were made, but they were honest mistakes”… so no “reasonable” propersecution should entail… Wray will uphold his “sacred duty”… and go along. He promised.

    Dude, why don’t you just recuse yourself? Like a real, manly, much manly man? Of honor? And integrity?

  7. @Anonymous February 6, 2020 at 10:52 am

    > How many of those who were involved in the FISA abuse and are no longer with the bureau now work in other governmental agencies

    Now, @Anonymous!

    Just because the government creates the rules. That “allow” the government to create a new bureau. That the government decides who is allowed to run. That the government decides who is allowed to be hired. According to the rules of the government. As long as they continue “contributing” “their fair share” back to the government. And obey all government bureaucracy “rules”. Subject to change without notice. Doesn’t make it a government bureau.

    Chant with me:
    Free enterprise

  8. ANON

    “The FBI, CIA and IRS are COMPLETELY corrupt and bullshit agencies of the swamp.”

    I’ve said as much here many times the last 5 years. The FBI had an honest capable leader 70 years ago. the rest have never had leaders both honest and competent! Classic example – I am and always have been anti Communist – in ’42 Hoover went to /FDR for an additional $100,00 to hire and arm 25 agents to go after KGB spies working on “The Bomb”. FRD said that is not internal; so “Wild Bill” will handle it.

    None of these KGB agents was “Pattoned” by Wild Bill. 9 years later – 4 YEARS AFTER USSR GOT THE BOMB! – 2 of the 50 were tried and killed! 30 years ago Mikey gave Ronny a list of 1,000 KGB agents working in America from 1940 to 1970. Every one of the 50 Hover had were on the list. Wild Bill” Pattoned none! Either Wild Bill was terribly incompetent OR WILD BILL WAS A STALINIST! the caps are my feelings.

    Mueller was competent, but like Wild Bill he is either a KGB agent or the tool of such!

  9. @an ol exJarhead February 6, 2020 at 12:07 pm

    I don’t disagree (too vehemently) with you about the government.

    But, you’re wrong about the “they”. “If only we could stop ‘them’ from interfering in our ‘us’, everything’d be peachy!” The simple fact is, some people just need killin’. And most of them call themselves “us”. And most of “us” would agree. (Half of every group’s of below average intelligence. I won’t venture a guess about the rest.)

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