Wreaths Across America accused of ‘carpet bombing’ cemeteries with a ‘Christian gang sign’ – IOTW Report

Wreaths Across America accused of ‘carpet bombing’ cemeteries with a ‘Christian gang sign’


The president of a non-profit that claims to serve in the interest of protecting military members’ religious freedoms declared hyperbolically that Wreaths Across America is “carpet bombing” veterans’ gravesites with a “Christian gang sign.”

The non-profit issued a Nov. 22 statement attacking Wreaths Across America, an organization that has placed wreaths at veteran cemeteries every December for almost 30 years; a tradition that up until five minutes ago didn’t appear to be problematic. more

11 Comments on Wreaths Across America accused of ‘carpet bombing’ cemeteries with a ‘Christian gang sign’

  1. There are several avenues of relief that require absolutely no input or action from the phony baloney Military Religious Freedom Foundation. First, families that are aware that there are wreaths on their loved ones’ graves can take no action, which indicates that they are either o.k. with these wreaths or don’t really care one way or another. Or, if they object, they can remove the wreath. Finally, there are some families that just don’t visit gravesites, and this just isn’t an issue that concerns them at all.

    The MRFF is a non-profit scam in search of an issue. Like many other “non-profits,” they exist only to generate salaries for their founders/employees, but they still need to create controversy in order to have a reason for existence and garner donations. If the wreaths from gravesites disappeared, many people would notice and feel the world is a lesser place because of that. If the MRFF disappeared, no one would notice and the world would definitely be a better place for that.

  2. Mikey Winestain strikes again.
    Add him to my ever-growing list of people that I will travel to, in order to join the line to piss & shit on their grave.
    Whoever has the beer and chili concessions at the cemetery will make a killing (pun intended)

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