Write-In Campaign In Alabama No Longer ‘Viable,’ McConnell Source Says – IOTW Report

Write-In Campaign In Alabama No Longer ‘Viable,’ McConnell Source Says

DC: A write-in campaign supported by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in the Alabama Senate race is not “viable” anymore, a source close to the majority leader’s political operation told The Daily Caller Monday.

McConnell and other establishment Republicans, such as National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman Cory Gardner, have called on Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore to drop out of the race due to allegations of sexual misconduct with minors.

“We’re looking at whether or not there’s someone who could mount a write-in campaign successfully,” the Senate majority leader told reporters last week.

Now, however, things are different.  more

13 Comments on Write-In Campaign In Alabama No Longer ‘Viable,’ McConnell Source Says

  1. Like Mitch could get something done.
    The ONLY thing Mitch has been capable of doing is snatching that Senate leadership position, then generally using the Senate Republican Campaign Committee funds to control nominations (Remember Thad Cochran).
    But he wasn’t able to stop Moore.

  2. I was wrong about Nelson being the only woman to come out against Moore about alleged sexual misconduct. And if these women had raised these accusations at some other time and with their own local press/media, I think they would be believable, but as it is, with both the timing and the WAPO being involved, it only hurts their cases and, in my mind, raises serious doubts about their credibility. Also, I’ve read through the statements of the women who defend Moore. They are from a spectrum of people who worked with, grew up with, worked for, or otherwise seemed to know Moore on a level that would have given them ample opportunity to suspect problems if those problems were really there. The evidence against him seems flawed on its face, particularly the strange case of Beverly Nelson’s yearbook, but even more so her description of where the alleged molestation took place. Two women who worked at that restaurant at the time this supposedly took place (who doesn’t personally know Moore) spoke to the media about the physical layout of the restaurant parking lots, the hours of operation and disputed that Nelson wasn’t old enough at the time to work there. It all contradicts Nelson’s descriptions. Without formal charges (statute of limitations) being brought, we’ll never know the outcome of a trial or settlement on these accusations, but at this point it seems her case would be easily defeated. McConnell, McCain, Graham and others wanted a speedy trial in the court of public opinion and now it looks like they’re going to get one, only it will not be the outcome they were expecting.

    The women are suspect, the way they chose to come out is suspect and the motives of McConnell and his party machine are terribly suspect. And now they’re attacking AL governor Kay Ivey for “not having any guts.”

  3. Plan A, B & C failed. Have the McNeverTrumpers in the senate figured out the people are onto their schemes?

    I’ve lost count of the number in both chambers who are “retiring” to spend more time w the fam etc. Yesterday Rep Trott (R) MI (who?), will not seek re-election because “Trump”. BTW Trump won his suburban Detroit district by 6 pts.

    I suppose these “legislators” figure if they can’t beat Trump in Congress, they’ll go to work as lobbyists & fight against him there.

  4. I’m really sick of that balloon necked google eyed swine meddling in state elections. I hope people can organize a massive effort to oust this reptile before he causes more harm.

  5. It would seem to the average John Q Taxpayer that McConnell has more important things to do than to meddle in state elections. Don’t you have some tax thingy to do bitch. Yes, Mitch is a reptile, turtle, snake, lizard or anything you want to call him. I want to call him gone.


    Totally agree with your assessment. There isn’t any ring-of-truth to her claim. Why now and not when it allegedly happened? Only a complete brain-dead moron couldn’t see why.

    This is obviously an attempted railroading of him. The best about this is the interviews of the Alabamians about him. They see right through this sham.

    I think not only will he be elected but win handily. Expect the same thing from the left/media that started on election night last year – “What does this say about the electorate? They’re OK with rape and sexual misconduct! They certainly aren’t people of God if they elected him!”

    What they haven’t figured out yet, is that the more they do this BS, the more people will come out to vote for him. They’re actually helping him by attacking him. Which leads to the phrase of the year – maybe the decade? – ‘This is how Trump got elected.’

    Ha. Ups yours, lefties.

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