Writer who said blacks & browns should be prioritized in hurricane relief, loses nerve confronted by Tucker – IOTW Report

Writer who said blacks & browns should be prioritized in hurricane relief, loses nerve confronted by Tucker


A writer for a popular black-centric website, who suggested race needs to play a role in deciding who receives Hurricane Harvey relief funds first, backed off of that stance when faced with Tucker Carlson on Friday.

Charles Ellison, of “The Root,” wrote a piece last week, titled “Making sure your Houston relief money is going to the black folks who need it most isn’t easy,” that suggested those handling relief funds in Houston need to take race into account when doling out the monies.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson agreed that Ellison made some good points in the story about poor people needing relief and sometimes being overlooked, but he asked Ellison why race had to be brought into the argument.

“What I was bothered by in your piece was the racial angle,” Carlson said. “The idea that aid ought to be given on the basis of race seemed like a really divisive way to think about it and I’m wondering why you did.”

Ellison argued that “was definitely not the argument that (he) was putting forth” but that he was highlighting issues of race and class that play a factor.

“Thirty percent of the population lives under the poverty line and a disproportionate amount of them are black and Latino,” he said. “There are also many Caucasians who are living with poverty, or are renting as well in Harris County so I definitely don’t want to suggest that we should just specially or uniquely single out certain demographics, or favor certain demographics over others.”

“Why include race at all? Storms have nothing to do with race,” Carlson said.

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12 Comments on Writer who said blacks & browns should be prioritized in hurricane relief, loses nerve confronted by Tucker

  1. If renters lose everything in a flood, then renter’s insurance should cover them if in fact they bothered to get insurance. If they didn’t, too bad. FEMA funds SHOULD go to those who lose actual lost PROPERTY (houses, businesses). Renters just lose their stuff.

  2. @grool September 10, 2017 at 9:56 am

    PROPERTY is rented from the government. Exclusively. Exclusively from the government. Exclusively rented.

    Why are you in favor of two tiered rental insurance? Is it because it’s just like the two tiered justice system?

  3. If truth be told…

    “Why should race be a factor?”

    “Because I’m a racist piece of shit who wants to divide this country by race; so my DNC overlords can count on votes from black people trained to be paranoid and hateful of all whites.”

  4. Where are the race activists during non-hurricane days?

    They can donate money to their favored race at any time. Why wait for a crisis to start worrying about brown people?

  5. I have renters insurance. it’s cheap-$120.00 a year and it covers everything I own on the inside. Hope I never need to use it all I have to worry about is the lady upstairs flushing her “pad” down the toilet and flooding me below. 🙁 oh and maybe that big quake that they are saying Is coming soon…..

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