Wrong Arm Fauci – IOTW Report

Wrong Arm Fauci

Fauci Vaccinated on LEFT Arm, But Claims His RIGHT Arm is Sore

We’re not making any claims…

However, this is a legitimate question that many eagle-eyed observers have been asking.

17 Comments on Wrong Arm Fauci

  1. He is a lying piece of shit and has been for decades.

    And with this virus, he is the left’s tool to control us.

    Unfortunately, Trump did what people wanted and listened to the “experts” like little fuckie.

  2. Amusing, but I doubt there will be any MSM questioning him about it or any kind of explanation forthcoming.

    FWIW, I started questioning whether the high profile vaccinations of public figures would be with the real vaccine before the vaccine was even made available and this just sort of fits into my paranoid view of vaccine things.

  3. Public figures gets a showvax of salt water. The vaccine impresarios cannot risk their actors being sent to the hospital with a bad allergic reaction. Like somebody else we know, Fauci is a forgetful old man who should be retired.

  4. I wish I knew how you can convince people what they see on TV or hear from dumb drama queens is not true.
    My sister who I quit talking to because I couldn’t take her stupidity any longer, I gave in and started talking to again, because I felt guilty. We’ve been avoiding talking about the virus, but she kept bringing it up on the phone last night, about how at the nursing our family member is at so many of the patients have Covid. I tried to make her see how ignorant that belief is, if the kung flu is so bad why are they in the nursing home and not at the hospital? These are elderly people, the hardest hit, so how would they be well enough to remain in the nursing home and not need to be hospitalized? Her reasoning, the hospitals are full, nowhere to send them. A local hospital is sending patients to hospitals out of state because they have no room, she knows because her daughter-in-law who is basically nothing more than a phone operator at the hospital has told her so. The DIL is also mildly retarded(the old term) or mildly developmentally disabled(the newer term) and she’s also a drama queen that likes to stir shit.
    So when I point out I’ve been at that hospital twice, once at night and once during the day and the parking lot is empty, so where are all the family of all of these patients? How was it so easy to get to be seen in the ER with no wait time? Her reasoning is that they don’t allow family to be there, yet I know for a fact they allow one family member for everything other than the virus and most sick people are going to go to ER or doctor first, yet the clinic next to the hospital also had empty parking lot. So are they just magically being orbed in there?
    Then I told her how we spent 5 days in the largest hospital in our part of the state with my husband and floor after floor of empty rooms, more nurses than patients, again it’s because I wasn’t on the covid floor according to her. Covid floor has shortage of nurses and doctors. If that was true wouldn’t they be sending some of these nurses and doctors who had few patients to the covid floor? Why aren’t the nurses and doctors working in the hospital concerned? Why do half of them come into your room without a mask, why do they all congregate in the cafeteria with no tables being 6′ apart, mingling with each other and visitors talking, laughing, and eating with no masks, with tables with 8 to 12 people sitting at them?
    I just made that up she says.
    Nope, I didn’t make it up and not only that when I asked nurses where the Covid floor/wing is none of them knew. How can nurses not know where it’s at and if they know and just won’t tell, them why the secrecy? One traveling nurse we had even said she volunteered to work on the Covid floor, but was told she wasn’t needed and instead was needed on the floor we were on, where over half the rooms were empty. Why are suddenly hospitals having more nurses than they need? In all the years I’ve sat at hospitals with family members and friends I’ve never seen as many nurses on one floor, my experience before this time has always been a shortage of nurses, not more nurses than patients. Hospitals getting some kickback to hire nurses all of a sudden? Do they suddenly need more nurses on the payroll to make things look worse than they are?
    These are all things I’ve thought a lot about since we were there. One thing I do know even if I had been scared of the kung flu before, 5 days at a hospital would have made me fear it no longer.

  5. It’s just a little lie, the sheeple need to be encouraged to get these vaccines so proven science can see the effects of it. Important unexpendable folk like myself need proof that it’s safe! Believe me, your not ready for the truth.

  6. Pls check first if the zoom video was “mirrored”. The background might be electronically added. If it was, we might look as loonies. Make sure and then denounce. BTW “same arm pain” doesn’t mean he’s not lying, but the “slip” becomes irrelevant.

  7. @ Juan,
    You can see he has his watch on the same arm he got the shot in. You can find all kinds of pictures to see that Fauci always wears his watch on his left wrist.

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