WSJ Editor Tells Reporters Who Don’t Like Objective Trump Coverage To Leave The Paper – IOTW Report

WSJ Editor Tells Reporters Who Don’t Like Objective Trump Coverage To Leave The Paper

DC: Wall Street Journal editor in chief Gerard Baker told his reporters Monday the paper would not abandon objectivity in its coverage of President Donald Trump, and directed them to find work somewhere else if they want to adopt a more oppositional tone.

“It’s a little irritating when I read that we have been soft on Donald Trump,” he told his reporters and editors, a source at the newsroom meeting told The New York Times. Baker held the meeting ostensibly to have a casual conversation on the editorial direction of the paper, but it was held on the heels of reports the newsroom is in turmoil over the Trump coverage.

The Trump coverage is “neutral to the point of being absurd,” one source inside the newsroom recently told Politico. Criticism peaked when Baker sent a memo to staff instructing reporters and editors to tone down the use of “loaded” language in coverage of Trump’s immigration ban.


11 Comments on WSJ Editor Tells Reporters Who Don’t Like Objective Trump Coverage To Leave The Paper

  1. “That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonopinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable.”
    – Jim Rutenberg

    Name them.

    I’d like to see what a hack thinks is a “nonopinion journalist”.

  2. When does a Manager give an option to employees when they continually ignore their responsibility?
    Fire them, Lord knows there are many other Soros funded/progressive/socialist propaganda news outlets that would snap them up in a heart beat.

  3. I’ll bet these reporters have a fine sense of self preservation and will adjust their reporting accordingly because they know what the state of employment is for newspaper reporters outside.

  4. The news has never been balanced, unbiased and objectives. Never. That’s why there’s a freedom of the press in the Constitution. The Founding Fathers used a healthy dose of hyperbole in their writings to stir up the public to their cause.
    ‘Yellow journalism’ is not a racist saying.

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