WSJ Prints Blistering Editorial Ripping Gore/Kerry for Bullying World Bank With Insane Climate Demands – IOTW Report

WSJ Prints Blistering Editorial Ripping Gore/Kerry for Bullying World Bank With Insane Climate Demands

RedState: The Wall Street Journal is known as a sober, somewhat-staid publication originally meant for finance types to pore over stock market news and goings on in “the Street.” More recently, it has become an alternative for thinking people who are sick of the screeching from The New York Times and The Washington Post but who’d still like an establishment take from a national news publication.

It’s somewhat surprising, therefore, to read a blistering op-ed by their Editorial Board, but on Sunday evening that’s exactly what they delivered. They take climate fanatics Al Gore and John Kerry to the proverbial woodshed over their bullying of the World Bank.

In response to Gore/Kerry’s pressure tactics, the centrists at the paper made a great point:

When Al Gore, John Kerry and the New York Times gang up on someone, you know a political hit is on. That’s what happened last week to World Bank President David Malpass, for the sin of not turning the international lending institution into an arm of Democratic Party policy on climate change.

At issue? The WSJ board accuses Kerry and Gore of harassing World Bank President David Malpass for not bowing to their every whim and demand. The World Bank’s purpose is to alleviate poverty around the globe, so its outlook is not necessarily the same as the elites on Martha’s Vineyard and in Silicon Valley. more here

6 Comments on WSJ Prints Blistering Editorial Ripping Gore/Kerry for Bullying World Bank With Insane Climate Demands

  1. bullshit … the WSJ Editorial Board is conservative (it’s good for a Capitalist Society)

    …. it’s the story slanters that are a bunch of blithering regressive libtards


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