Wuhan Lab Found All Genes To Recreate ‘Epidemic Strain’ Of Coronavirus In 2017 – IOTW Report

Wuhan Lab Found All Genes To Recreate ‘Epidemic Strain’ Of Coronavirus In 2017

National Pulse-

The Wuhan Institute of Virology – increasingly believed to be the source for the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus – obtained “all the genes to make a SARS coronavirus similar to the epidemic strain,” according to a 2017 report by Science News.

The article – “Bats in China carry all the ingredients to make a new SARS virus” – documents how a Wuhan Institute of Virology research team led by the Fauci-funded “bat lady” Shi Zhengli sampled wild bats.

Also cross-posted to the Wuhan lab’s website, the November 30th 2017 report reveals how data collected by Shi’s team enabled the lab to “make a SARS coronavirus similar to the epidemic strain”: MORE

6 Comments on Wuhan Lab Found All Genes To Recreate ‘Epidemic Strain’ Of Coronavirus In 2017

  1. Fauci must have not only known they were close to getting all of the genes to make the weapon, but also were going to use the weapon, when he said on January 11, 2017 that “Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak…”

    What did you know, and when did you know it, goblin? Prison is too good for you.

  2. Yet people with their proud arm and rolled up sleeve, makes an appointment with the death jabber. Fauci Flu, CDC, and WHO got everyone jacked up and scared $hitless. Now that vaxxers walk around smug that they are protected from every deadly disease that will come their way, the blow will come when they realize they were duped. Those are the ones who love getting free $hit, and the free ticket to the grave. Another proven quote that still rings true and must be avoided at all cost: “Hello, we’re from the government and we’re here to help you.”

  3. Agreed, Deplorable Second Class. It’s not over, it’s just a hudna. The variants and Vaxports are coming hard in the late Fall, the ostracism of the unjabbed will be ramped up to Yellow Star levels and the suppression of therapeutics will continue. The lockdown tyrants are not giving up their emergency powers and will be locking down hard again. I don’t know how fluffers like David Brooks, who claims we are in the midst of a massive economic renaissance, are going to spin the dismal truth about the new normal statist tyranny in 2022.


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